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Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club WC/CGC-TDI on Oct 02,2010

Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club WC/CGC-TDI on Oct 02,2010

The Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club is sponsoring their Working Certificate event for Labrador retrievers on October 02, 2010 .
The WC testing is also open to all other breeds that wish to use the opportunity to give their dogs land and water retrieves training with bird land and water retrieve practice .Only qualifying AKC # labradors will receive the LRC WC certificate application.
The Club is also offering CGC and TDI evaluations that same day to all interested breeds of dogs .
The clubs event site is in Martinsville ,Indiana at the Glenn's Valley Conservation Club . A great place to come and work your dog . Birds (ducks and chuckers) will be provided for WC entered dogs .

Dog fanciers may visit the site for more information .
Pre-registration is required for the WC event only.
We hope to see you all this fall.

Re: Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club WC/CGC-TDI on Oct 02,2010

Just who picked the date for this event? I'm sorry but you think you're going to get an entry for a WC on the same weeked as the HRLRC specialty show? Too bad because I would have come with several dogs but what poor planning.

Re: Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club WC/CGC-TDI on Oct 02,2010

It's also the same weekend as the Greater Denver LRC specialty, so those folks from farther west will most likely be attending that specialty. Poor planning indeed.

Re: Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club WC/CGC-TDI on Oct 02,2010

Im sorry we can not please all of the labby people all the time.
But honestly this heat was so intence this summer so we then elected not to hold a HLRC WC any sooner than Oct 02 . We knew there was the specialty in Delaware, Oh at the end of October coming up . More dogs would be growing more coat in by then.
We had to choose when we thought most of the Club members would be available to work the event to help out.
And to also make a decision as to how many dogs were actually in show coat condition right now .Most or many are not looking their best.
So lets go swimming.I personally do not have the funds or a dog in prime coat to take off for 3 days for Huron this year.
And there will be some other lab fanciers that feel the same way.
Not everyone goes to just Specialtys .There are also all breed shows going on about every week end in Indiana or closeto us right now. So we just had to pick a weekend and it was in October .
Sorry you cant come ,but Huron has a WC going on right ?.It will be close to you at the show.Have a lovely trip.
I didnt think the Colorado Specialty would pull to many folks from Indiana that were interested in attaining a WC. We do need to make choices . Not everyone one wins at a specialty .There is only one winner. But everyone has an opportunity to win and go home with a an LRC WC Certificate at a WC .
Got alove a Labbee. We just do our best is all.
Sorry it cant fit into everyones schedule .Enjoy your summer.

Re: Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club WC/CGC-TDI on Oct 02,2010

Just cross the fresh water pond, Badger LRC is having a WC/AWC on September 18. If you email me I'll be sure you get a premium for it.