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Is this a Scam?

I just got an email from someone clear across the country wanting me to snail mail hard copies of the dam and sires akc pedigrees. Reason: they don't have a printer and the "trainer" doesn't have a computer and he needs to see pedigrees to advise on purchase of pup. On the surface I have no problem sending the info, but I just get a funny feeling about this. Are there any scams out there with people using copies of pedigrees of dogs they don't own to scam others? I know lots of folks list their dogs pedigrees on their websites,and I am about to do the same, but this request is just eating at me. What do you think?

Re: Is this a Scam?

Make photo copies of your pedigrees write real big in red marker on the photocopies that they are copies. and mail them. Like a Photographer does with samples or proofs. if they have a "trainer" looking at the pedigree; they have a specific use in mind for the dogs. Find out what they are planning using the dog for. If you don't like the answer... don't send anything.

Re: Is this a Scam?

With libraries, Kinkos, churches and schools available, most folks should have access to a printer if need be. If they can type, they can hand-write, direct them to the OFA site or they can buy a copy of the pedigree from AKC and then THEY can hand copy the pedigree for the trainer. Sounds too suspicious for me to even deal with.

Re: Is this a Scam?

You can use photoshop to remove words from documents just as easily as you add them. I am with you; this just does not sound right.

Surely they must have a friend who has a printer attached to their computer, or can go to the public library and print copies out there.

Don't send them copies of your dogs' official AKC pedigree papers. Let a friend of theirs print them a copy of what you have posted on your website. And if they say they have no friends in this day and age who have a computer and printer, then I would really have to wonder if this isn't part of some scam. You cannot be too careful these days. Trust your gut feeling!

Re: Is this a Scam?

Were you planning to ship your puppy clear across the country to sell it????????
Well I certainly wouldn't, so why bother?? Just ignore it and move on.

Re: Is this a Scam?

In this day of digital documents that can be modified, mutilated, enhanced, blurred, or just plain manipulated to suit anyone's purpose, you mean to say you are more comfortable with a digital file than a hard copy paper one?

What is to stop someone from printing a digital file and doing all the things you are afraid they are going to do to the hard copy one? And doing it a lot easier and with much less evidence that any changes to the original have been made?

Unless you just don't want to spend the forty-something cents for the stamp and another few pennies for the paper and ink, then I'd say send 'em a copy.

Re: Is this a Scam?

I agree with Exhibitor. They may have a specific purpose in mind. I would definitely ask before I sent anything out. If you are leary on sending a pedigree, send a "generic" one with no official information (AKC numbers, dates of any sort, OFA/Test info, Breeder's name, etc.). Names only are probably best; colors would probably be okay too. You can build one at Sitstay for free and print it.

Re: Is this a Scam?

Whether you send it or not - in this day and age - people can find out what they want, however they want.

You can simply web-search anyone's name and or dog name and it comes up. If you dont list your pedigrees on your websites, they can find them in a dogshow catalog that is listed on the internet.

I would send them a pedigree of what they want. There is no harm in doing that.
If they are interested in the pedigree, and contact you again, you can then do your interviews and such to see if they are a fit for your puppies.

Also note that if they say trainer, and they are from another country... It could be referencing a mentor. So keep that in mind, with the language barrier.

Re: Is this a Scam?

I have sold pups to amazingly many hunters who do not even have a computer! In my experience, they tend to be really nice guys who own small businesses of their own and have nice families but are amazingly technilogically illiterate. I've even delivered one of my pups to one of these homes while travelling. The hunter's grammar was very poor but he built his own house and it was absolutely stunning - pond and all on 10 acres. A wonderful family and awesome place for pup.

I'd interview them a little more and try to see get a better idea of what they will use pup for, and why he is looking across the country, etc.

Re: Is this a Scam?

I have sold pups to amazingly many hunters who do not even have a computer! In my experience, they tend to be really nice guys who own small businesses of their own and have nice families but are amazingly technilogically illiterate. I've even delivered one of my pups to one of these homes while travelling. The hunter's grammar was very poor but he built his own house and it was absolutely stunning - pond and all on 10 acres. A wonderful family and awesome place for pup.

I'd interview them a little more and try to see get a better idea of what they will use pup for, and why he is looking across the country, etc.

have a conversation with the trainer.....have them call you first. It should tell you loads.....

Re: Is this a Scam?

There is a big difference between someone copying a pedigree off your website which you built with a program like Sit-Stay, and getting a copy of official AKC pedigree papers.

No one is saying not to provide pedigree info, just saying it should be supplied in a different format than the official AKC pedigree papers. Yes you can do all sorts of digital manipulation, but why supply someone with a copy of an official document to begin with?

I also think it is fairly easy for someone to go to a public library or a friend with a computer and a printer, and have the pedigree as presented on the website, printed out for them. Why the need for the pedigree papers in official AKC format???