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AKC Search

If I have the dogs registration number is there anyway to look up who the owners are? I'm trying to confirm who the Co-owner is

Re: AKC Search helps you make sure the registration number exists.

If you google the registration number, it might come up too

Re: AKC Search

I think the only way you can see anything about ownership is if you add the dog as a dog of interest to your MyAKC account. Otherwise, the only information the Dog Lookup or Points Progression gives you is the name of the dog and registration number. Good luck!

Re: AKC Search

If the dog has been shown, you can go to infodog and proceed as if you were going to enter a show. If the dog is in their database, it will fill in an entry application that will include the names of the owners. That does not guarantee that the information matches what the AKC has.

Re: AKC Search

wow, you guys are good.