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Fish Oil & Garlic

I have a 5 mo old and want to start her on garlic (we have been using the garlic tabs for years to help (not prevent)with fleas and such)

What age is ok to start on the garlic, I have read that it can be dangerous for a pup

also...Fish oil.. I have heard people saying that they use fish oil, and just wondering the extra benefits are, and when can it be started.

Thank you in advance

Re: Fish Oil & Garlic

I always thought that garlic could be fatal to dogs...

Re: Fish Oil & Garlic

It depends on the amounts of Garlic that you give to the dog. I put garlic in the horses feed to help with fly control.

Good reading material:

Re: Fish Oil & Garlic

I use the Bug Off garlic (safe for dogs and horses to help with fly/tick problems) - you can read about it on the 'Revival Health' website. I give Salmon or Omega 3,6,9 starting about 6 months. It's beneficial for coat/skin and joints.

Re: Fish Oil & Garlic

I have read that a dog has to eat something like 50 cloves of garlic for it to be toxic .

the bug off garlic works great

I don't supplement pups with fish oil or anything (other than c) until 1 year of age.

EPA/DHA fish oil caps are good for coat, joints, kidney, heart. be sure and give E with it 200ui is good to prevent depletion, if the fish oil doesn't already have E in it.

Re: Fish Oil & Garlic

I use the Bug Off garlic (safe for dogs and horses to help with fly/tick problems) - you can read about it on the 'Revival Health' website. I give Salmon or Omega 3,6,9 starting about 6 months. It's beneficial for coat/skin and joints.

I start the fish oil at 4 month. Any particular reason why you wait until 6 month?

Re: Fish Oil & Garlic

I use the springtime garlic for my 2 older labs. Do you wait until 6 mos to start that also?