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Puppy Teeth

At what age do puppies usually loose their puppy teeth? And do they loose their front teeth?

I was going over my 15 wk old this morning and notice that she is missing a front tooth. The other teeth are there, they are jagged, so I am thinking they are all puppy teeth. I am trying to figure out if this was a puppy tooth or an adult tooth that she may have lost.

She has been chewing on harder objects as her back molars seem to be coming in.

Its been 20 yrs since I have a had a pup, and I have forgotten what happens when

Re: Puppy Teeth

Yes she's starting to loose her teeth. They start first to loose their front teeth... I would say at the age from 4 to 6 months they are loosing teeth and new adult teeth begin to come in.
Good luck with your new puppy! :)

Re: Puppy Teeth


I was having a slight panic attack :) Its like having a newborn again

Re: Puppy Teeth

new to puppies

I was having a slight panic attack :) Its like having a newborn again

You're doing just fine My puppy lost his front teeth at just about 15 weeks too. He's now a little over 4 months and has almost all full frontal in with a beautiful scissors bite. He still has his back puppy molars but most of the adult side teeth are in. His gums around the molars are very swollen though.

Re: Puppy Teeth

Yes, that is the perfect age they start falling out. You will find one here and there. She may slow down eating for a few days during this time period. But it does seem all of a sudden and you are surprise when there are no front teeth at all. Funny looking.

Re: Puppy Teeth

new to puppies

I was having a slight panic attack :) Its like having a newborn again

You're very welcome It's funny though when they start to loose their teeth, how quick the adult teeth start to come in!
And you're right, having a puppy is just like having a baby again!

Re: Puppy Teeth

Teeth also fall out in a set pattern...incisors, molars, and then the canines. When the canines are replaced, you are done.