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Lab Drinking A Lot of Pool (Salt) Water

I have a friend who has a salt water pool. Her lab is using the pool as a water dish when he's hot.

She has a big bowl of fresh water out there for him but is wondering if she should be concerned about him drinking the salt water.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

Re: Lab Drinking A Lot of Pool (Salt) Water

I don't think it is good for anyone. Doesn't it change electrolytes, or cause dehydration? I know it's a death sentence for anyone stranded at sea. It's weird the dog prefers it to his water dish. Maybe she should add ice cubes to the water bowl, or change it more often.

Re: Lab Drinking A Lot of Pool (Salt) Water

How about dogs that swim & drink chlorinated pool water, is that any good?

Re: Lab Drinking A Lot of Pool (Salt) Water

The concentration of salt in seawater is about 30,000 parts per million. It is about 3,000 parts per million in pool with a salt chlorine generator.

I don't know if that means it's good for him, but it's only 1/10 the salinity of the ocean.
