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I am not sure who to contact, so if members of this club are on here I have a few questions.

I just received my premium list for the show. The front cover says the show is Sat. Oct. 23. The inside/entry form says it's Fri. Oct. 23. I also remember being solicited for trophy donations for 2 shows, a bare bones and the annual show, meaning they were planning on having 2 separate specialties. I'm confused, can someone please clarify? I know there are several all-breed shows following the show too.



I believe the regular specialty is Saturday and Friday is their 'bare bones'. If someone from the club can verify?


I believe the regular specialty is Saturday and Friday is their 'bare bones'. If someone from the club can verify?

Yes, I was under the same impression, but then I got the premium the other day and am totally confused now

Ok, I just checked the AKC site again (didn't see it a few months ago only saw the Saturday show). It shows a listing now for the GGLRC, but it is being held in conjunction with the Skyline Dog Fanciers of San Mateo. It lists breeder/judges (same as Sat's show). So I guess you enter using the SDFSM premiums? I also didn't see any sweeps judges so I'm assuming there is no sweeps on Friday?


On page 4 of the Premium List, I found Mrs. Shannon Carlton listed as the Sweepstakes Judge for Friday's show.


Pickle Creek
On page 4 of the Premium List, I found Mrs. Shannon Carlton listed as the Sweepstakes Judge for Friday's show.

Thanks, the AKC has her listed as juding Oct 23, which is Sat. But that's where some of the confusion is, the premium list has both Sat Oct 23 and Fri Oct 23 mentioned, the Fri reference must be a typo. I believe after doing more research that the Fri show is going to be listed in the SDFSM. I saw no mention of sweeps with this show.

So to answer my own question. There are 3 all breed shows, Thurs, Sun and Mon. The bare bones is held in conjunction with Fri's all breed, but is designated a specialty. The independant specialty is Sat (hence a seperate premium list), then the other 2 all breeds. Whew, I think I'm finally less confused. Hope this helps others who may be confused