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Arnold pups

Anyone following the Arnold babies that were whelped last night? It's a nice sized litter. If you collect and freeze a dog would one collection be what that litter is from or would one collection be split into more than one straw?

Re: Arnold pups

Is there a puppy cam on them? Do you have the link? Thanks.

Re: Arnold pups

the breeding was from one straw

Re: Arnold pups

WOW! WHo is lucky enough to have this litter?? Dying to know!! Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Arnold pups

Re: Arnold pups

took me a little bit to get the link to transfer....I wish it was me with that litter!

Re: Arnold pups

No me. How lucky is that. Think it is wonderful to be able to see some of those beautiful Arnold heads coming back in pups.

Re: Arnold pups

Love to hear those puppy squeaks. I only wish that we could share puppy breath as well.

Re: Arnold pups

can't help you with puppy breath, Georgia, but I have plenty of puppy poop. Will that help?