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I am Potomac Bound next year, have been in the years past, but have never stayed at any of the hotels (my wife & I stayed with her cousin who lives about 1 hr away). I am only able to go for a couple of the days, and was looking at the other hotels in the area.

Has anyone had a good experience at on e of the other hotels in the area? If so, which one?

Private emails are ok.


Re: hotel

the Hampton Inn is very nice and maybe 5 minutes away

Re: hotel

Go to the LRCP site, there should be hotels listed right in Frederick. I haven't heard of complaints about any of them.

I have never stayed in any of them but my friends have been quite happy. There was a story of breeders bidding towards the last minute at a hotel only paying about $40 per night. Now that was a smart move.

Enjoy your stay right near the show site this time. All of the Frederick hotels are about 5 minutes from there.