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Puppy Biting

I have a 4 mo that has just started flea biting (to describe it correctly) everyone. She will come up and nip and nibble almost like she is attacking a flea. When she was a pup she had the usually puppy biting going on, but we have stopped that (we are trying to use positive reinforcement) but this is something new she has started. The firm NO BITE does not seem to work this time.

ANy suggestions?

Re: Puppy Biting

I call that 'love nibbles' - my dogs do it to each other and had one that liked doing it to me and still tries when she's really excited and/or needy. I correct the behavior by putting my hand across the muzzle so the lips curl into the teeth - say 'no bite' or whatever command you use. If you do it firmly the pup should get the message.

Re: Puppy Biting

here too-we call it "corn cobbing"..we don't correct it.

Re: Puppy Biting

A loud screechy "ouch" the instant she does it may give her the message. Certainly worth a few tries.

Re: Puppy Biting

Give her something that she can hold in her mouth or chew. Distraction is usually sufficient. She will outgrow it, and someday you will wish she was still nibbling you.

Re: Puppy Biting

Ours do it, too, especially when they are being really cuddley. If they get a little carried away we just say "softer" and they do.

Re: Puppy Biting

a couple of our dogs do it too - usually when they're cuddling . We call it "love nibbles" and don't discourage it. They've always been gentle about it . I might be concerned about this behaviour frightening visitors but my dogs don't "nibble" on visitors

Re: Puppy Biting

She's grooming you, it's a sign of affection, I don't correct this either.

Re: Puppy Biting

Thank you for the responses

Re: Puppy Biting

Couple of my dogs do this too and like most of you say they do it when cuddling... if they do it a bit too hard I just say ouch... and they stop.

Re: Puppy Biting

My girls have outgrown that
I miss it!