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Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

If you went ahead with the litter were the puppies like the parents in type or not what you'd expect? If any puppies were kept how did they breed on in subsequant generations, did they tend to be dominant to the parents or did they have more of the granddams or grandsires traits?

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

If you look at pedigrees, some of the top breeders in the country have done brother/sister breedings, though I assume they were "oops" litters.

I would let the pregnancy continue if there is no huge big bad genetic issues that you know of. Especially if they are from an outcross breeding themselves.

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

They are linebred with none of the major health issues(TVD,epilepsy,EIC,etc) behind them and orthopedics behind them are good too.

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

Wow, sounds like you have the "perfect" Labradors! None of the health issues that plaque our breed, no ortho issues, WOWZER!
Can I get a puppy?????????????????

Uh Oh
They are linebred with none of the major health issues(TVD,epilepsy,EIC,etc) behind them and orthopedics behind them are good too.

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

I guess you will truly find out if any of the issues that plague our breed are behind them. Curious at how you are so confident that there is no epilepsy or TVD back there though. You would be surprised at the pedigree's that epilepsy raises it's head in.

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

Don't be so sarcastic!!! Some of us actually have lines that are relatively clear and don't have a history of TVD in it. Maybe we prefer to have cleaner lines than the "flavor of the moment" so we avoid those health issues that many of you breed into. I personally would rather not breed to many of these popular dogs just because of that. Our breeding decisions aren't based on thinking that if we breed to one of these dogs our dogs are now "better" and we don't have to wonder if it will bring in allergies or TVD, or crappy temperaments.
As for PRA and EIC those can easily be bred around so I wouldn't consider them an issue now.

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

Well, sarcastic or not, you cant even spell temperament correctly so how can you breed it correctly?

In any case, you may THINK your lines are clear of all these things but one day, when you get more experience, you may be very suprised once it shows up in your whelping box. I know I was.

If you think "your" lines are clear, you are living a dream. "Your" lines had to come from somewhere and until there is a genetic marker for everything, you will never truly know what lurks in there.

If you are only breeding to your own lines and never going out, you are nothing more than a puppy maker and this breeding of brother to sister is the least of your worries!

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

This isn't supposed to be a pissing match about spelling or how clean somebodies lines are. I just know what I want to avoid because I actually have been breeding for so long and know what is behind so many of these dogs.
Interesting you think that the only way to do linebreeding is to breed what you already have.You must only outcross. And you didn't answer the question I presented. I also use dogs from the UK and abroad and all across the country and go out slightly on occasion,whilst still avoiding those dogs that I know are problematic, so don't think I'm breeding just in my own yard.

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

Sure ya do........if you were going to the UK so much, you would know their standards are shall we say, different than ours here in the US.
Your lines certainly can't be clean.
No ones are.
To profess they are shows your inexperience.
That's all.
To answer your question, no I haven't done a sister/brother breeding. I wouldn't go that close on purpose but I do line breed.
You will find out what lurks in your pedigrees if you have a large enough litter

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

oh brother
Wow, sounds like you have the "perfect" Labradors! None of the health issues that plaque our breed, no ortho issues, WOWZER!
Can I get a puppy?????????????????

Uh Oh
They are linebred with none of the major health issues(TVD,epilepsy,EIC,etc) behind them and orthopedics behind them are good too.

Is it a full moon?

I don't want to disappoint the jealous sounding breeders but the OP sounds truthful and not every kennel or line has current problems. I agree with her post about not breeding to the flavor of the month et cetera.

Accuse these breeders of not breeding your way but if they choose to breed to healthier pedigrees, GOOD FOR THEM! I try to do exactly the same things sometimes sacrificing things I like in my dog to try to avoid TVD or bad orthopedics.

You sound like a green-eyed monster. Keep breeding to those redflags and you'll have a kennel full of sickly dogs.

If epilepsy is that predominant than why the hell are breeders not sending in the blood for the pair testing? Scared someone might know you still breed seizing dogs? Shame on those of you that do.

What a terrible thread this turned into because of the jealous mongers. OP asked a question, freaking answer it without being so nasty and accusatory.

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

oh brother
Well, sarcastic or not, you cant even spell temperament correctly so how can you breed it correctly?

In any case, you may THINK your lines are clear of all these things but one day, when you get more experience, you may be very suprised once it shows up in your whelping box. I know I was.

Well La Dee Da! In the first sentence you prove you cannot write a contraction properly, and in the second you detract from your own spelling ability - you seem to be missing an "r" somewhere. Oh, I know where it probably is - but I'm not going there with this!

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??


Or, as Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!"

OMG, a Grammarian Among Us
oh brother
Well, sarcastic or not, you cant even spell temperament correctly so how can you breed it correctly?

In any case, you may THINK your lines are clear of all these things but one day, when you get more experience, you may be very suprised once it shows up in your whelping box. I know I was.

Well La Dee Da! In the first sentence you prove you cannot write a contraction properly, and in the second you detract from your own spelling ability - you seem to be missing an "r" somewhere. Oh, I know where it probably is - but I'm not going there with this!

Re: Anyone ever have a brother/sister mismate??

For those of you who have not yet done so, get a hold of a book that has the first Lab pedigrees, mostly out of the Buccleugh stud book and look at the close line breedings that were done to establish the breed. They had only a few dogs, and they did parent to offspring and brother to sister over and over again! Of course, they probably culled heavily, too.