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Poisoned dog

OMG I can't believe it, I walked into the kitchen and my roommate was cutting up a hotdog. Then she went outside. I usually don't get in her business, but after she was outside I noticed pellets on a plate, half a hotdog and the middle cut out. The pellets are gopher bait. She went out to the trash can so I'm hoping she didn't go through with this. I don't have a phone so I can't call anyone, and we're not on the best of terms with our neighbors because the dogs drive us nuts with their barking. I am not sure if she threw the poison over the fence or not and I don't know what to do. This happened 10 minutes ago. If the dog dies, they're gonna know who it is. I am moving out the end of the month because of this. I just can't believe she'd do this. I'm between a rock and hard place. Any suggestions?

Re: Poisoned dog

call the police

Re: Poisoned dog

lab lover
call the police

I can't, I don't have a phone, but too late now. I think the dog is dead. I can't believe she did this. The neighbors are furious and I'm leaving NOW. I'm sure they'll call the police.

Re: Poisoned dog

I've heard of neighbors poisoning dogs who were nuisance barkers to but what folks need to do is call animal control or the police before you set out to poison a dog.

Re: Poisoned dog

You don't have a phone but you have Internet access. Oh come on...

Re: Poisoned dog

what an idiot.

Re: Poisoned dog

Please don't feed the trolls.

Re: Poisoned dog

Oh for heaven's sake
You don't have a phone but you have Internet access. Oh come on...

Thanks for the 2 responses that were helpful and let's all be so quick to call a troll alert. I am real and what happened last night was real. I did not have access to a phone as I left my cell at the office last night and it's my only phone. My internet is totally seperate. But being as I didn't have a phone, I turned to this place to try to see what I could do. The neighbors are real jerks and are clueless about dog ownership. They leave this little dog out all night and it barks all hours of the night. We've tried talking to them and they just shut us out. My roommate called the police numerous times and was told the same thing I kept telling her and that was to call animal control. When I came into the kitchen to fix my own dog's food and then realized that she had put gopher bait into a hollowed out hotdog, it was already too late. She had already went outside to toss it over the fence. I could only think what would happen if my dog was in the back and got a hold of that. I have since left the house in fear of retaliation from the neighbors.

So yes it is real. It's horrible to think about what might have happened or what did happen. It's even worse not having the ability to call and talk to someone about it. Sorry to have burdened this list. I was really frustrated last night and just needed some advice. I was simply trying to reach out the only way I had available and that was the internet.

Re: Poisoned dog

If this is true, you are just as guilty as your roomate for allowing it to happen.

Re: Poisoned dog

I am sorry that you have to go through this, but I think you could have at least went to the neighbours and told them what your roommate did/was doing to the dog. If you couldn't have done that, you could have called from another neighbours.

If all else fails - you have the ability to call from your laptop!!!

Unfortunately you could have done a lot but you didnt :( Poor Dog!

Re: Poisoned dog

Yea well you don't think I feel bad? No the dog didn't deserve it, but I couldn't talk to those neighbors. We've had run ins in the past. I also had a run in a few days ago over the dog's barking and it didn't end well. Do I know for certain she tossed the hotdog? No. I really don't associate with the other neighbors. Also this happened late at night. My roommate has lived there the longest and is fairly respected by the other neighbors. I was just shocked at what I saw last night. Just the intent was enough for me to leave. But as one poster pointed out, nuissance barking is why neighbors do this kind of stuff. Justified? Never, but to those who let their dogs bark, sadly this can happen

And no I have no idea how to make calls from my laptop.

Re: Poisoned dog

I am sorry...if you were so concerned...why did you not get your little fanny in the car and drive to a pay phone and call the police from there...if you indeed do not have a phone and did not feel you could go to your neighbors and tell them.

What good did coming on a public forum do if you were not going to do anything about it?? Tell me...what advice were you looking for? Take some responsibility for your actions....or lack thereof. You disgust me and so typical of our society.

Re: Poisoned dog

Boy, I would hate to have to depend on you to save a drowning child or alert people that their house is on fire. Did you try talking to your roommate? Did you think about going to retrieve the hot dog? If you weren't "man" enough to go to the neighbors after confirming with your room mate, you are a horrible person. Shame on you. You're just like all the witnesses to crimes that claim they didn't see anything. If you aren't part of the solution, you are the problem. And I don't care if you are a troll.

Re: Poisoned dog

Still not believing you.

Re: Poisoned dog

You stated earlier in this thread that the dog DIED!

You cannot say you don't know what happened when you previously said you did.

Re: Poisoned dog

Oh for heaven's sake
Still not believing you.

Me neither. What the other person said. Don't feed trolls. But if you still insist this is real now that you have your phone back call the police and have your roommate arrested. Or email someone the information and they can call the police and the neighbor.

Re: Poisoned dog

I usually stay out of threads like this but I just can't help it this time.

Don't feed the trolls!!

Assuming the time stamps are correct and assuming the OP lives in the US, the dog supposedly died an hour and 15 minutes after she "just noticed" her roommate putting poison into a hot dog.

That's a fast death. Usually death from poisoning takes longer.

Also, the timestamp on the post that the dog had died is 2am for me. That's 3am eastern and midnight pacific. How did he/she know the dog was dead at that time of night? The dog could have just gotten quiet and settled for the night.

...and if the neighbors really allowed their dog to bark unattended at all hours of the day and night, why would they immediately notice an hour and a half after the suspected poisoning that their dog was dead and be furious?

Sorry OP, either you are a horrible troll, or you are a horrible person for allowing this (unlikely and questionable event) to happen.

Whether you are a troll or a very bad person, why don't you go and find some other forum to post your garbage on? There are a few pet forums out there where you could probably round up a lynch mob with your silly story. Go there.

Re: Poisoned dog

And you people who sit here on your high and mighty horses judge this person who just went through a very tramatic event who came here for help sit and critize him/her for their inaction. He/she came here for help because they didn't know where to turn. Unless you know their situation, calling him/her horrible names only makes them feel worse. It's easy for you to judge after the fact when you were not in their shoes. Not everyone knows how fast poison works, not everyone has instant access to the police, not everyone feels safe in their home when some they may have known for a while does something like this. They may be in shock and not thinking straight. He/she came here for help, not sympathies and you all turn on them like a rabid pack of wolves. SHAME ON YOU!

**Just an update, a quick google search on gopher bait shows it's Strychnine. Wikapedia states symptoms start within 10 to 20 minutes and death occurs within 2-3 hours.

Re: Poisoned dog

Coming back with a different alias doesn't make you a different person, little troll. You're not dealing with idiots here. Find another board to play your tricks on. Bye.

Re: Poisoned dog

Troll Alert
Coming back with a different alias doesn't make you a different person, little troll. You're not dealing with idiots here. Find another board to play your tricks on. Bye.

It doesn't make you any nicer of a person either. I was able to punch a hole in one of your aliases that stated it takes days for an animal to die from poisoning making you look like an idiot. You are clueless, paranoid, mean and nasty. Fear keeps a lot of people from reporting a crime. I don't blame the OP for getting out. He/she stated they had a dog with them. In fact if I saw this last night, I would have advise him/her to leave ASAP. Sometimes it's not about doing the right thing as it is to stay safe. But then it's too easy to sit back and judge every one. Must be a tough job you have there. You can't admit you're wrong on this because you'd look even more foolish and crueler than you already do. Easier to call names.

Re: Poisoned dog

It is always about doing the right thing. If doing the right thing was always the easiest way, then everyone would always do the right thing. It takes courage to bring honor.

Re: Poisoned dog

It is always about doing the right thing. If doing the right thing was always the easiest way, then everyone would always do the right thing. It takes courage to bring honor.

It's not the right thing if you or your dog end up injured or killed by getting involved. You can't predict what people will do in this situation. My momma always told it's better to be a live chicken than a dead hero. If there was a dog inside a burning building and you tried to rescue it, and both of you died in the process would that justify doing the right thing? The OP left. He/she could not do anything about what was happening without putting them and their dog in jeopardy. It's a dispute between neighbors, let the law sort it out. If the owners know the dog was poisoned, they will call the law because they will know who did it.

Re: Poisoned dog

Who said that "Please Help" has their own dog?

If you are in this situation:
1) Leave (if you fear you need protection)
2) Get to the nearest pay phone to call the police or GO BACK TO YOUR OFFICE TO GET YOUR CELL PHONE or go to your nearest friends place and call or drive to the nearest police station!
3) Obviously your friends know of the situation, use them for support until the situation is dealt with.

The law needs witnesses.... It wont help you here if this has been a known issue between you and the neighbors - it will be a he said / she said situation. Therefore you should stand up for the dying/dead dog and SPEAK UP AS A WITNESS!!!!!!

If you couldn't save this dog, you can save the next dog that will piss this roommate of yours off.

Think about it this way... If you were about to be poisoned or god forbid even worse... Wouldn't you want the person that might know it's going to happen to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! I would hope so.

Karma is going to bite you where it hurts. Sadly.

Re: Poisoned dog

The OP said it. Right here, "When I came into the kitchen to fix my own dog's food and then realized that she had put gopher bait into a hollowed out hotdog, it was already too late."

Troll How? Just a Good Samaritan Fail!
Who said that "Please Help" has their own dog?

If you are in this situation:
1) Leave (if you fear you need protection)
2) Get to the nearest pay phone to call the police or GO BACK TO YOUR OFFICE TO GET YOUR CELL PHONE or go to your nearest friends place and call or drive to the nearest police station!
3) Obviously your friends know of the situation, use them for support until the situation is dealt with.

The law needs witnesses.... It wont help you here if this has been a known issue between you and the neighbors - it will be a he said / she said situation. Therefore you should stand up for the dying/dead dog and SPEAK UP AS A WITNESS!!!!!!

If you couldn't save this dog, you can save the next dog that will piss this roommate of yours off.

Think about it this way... If you were about to be poisoned or god forbid even worse... Wouldn't you want the person that might know it's going to happen to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! I would hope so.

Karma is going to bite you where it hurts. Sadly.

Re: Poisoned dog

Well one would assume that since I am on a Lab board that I would have at least one dog. Yes I do have several dogs that I compete with in obedience. I just didn't want to give out too much information about myself. And yes I was in shock. I was horrified that this person with whom I have lived with for almost 2 years would do such a thing. I only assumed the dog had died because after my roommate came back in, the dog had become quiet, which is not usually the case with him. Stricknine acts fast and nasty. The one owner came home about an hour and a half later and that was when she went to check on her dog that she leaves outside. The police are very slow to respond in my area anyway, so it would have not saved the dog short of telling the neighbors, with whom we don't get along with. Had I told them, that would have put me at jeopardy with my roommate. It's a situation I've never been in before so excuse me if I acted differently from those who chose to judge me would have. I doubt in a similar situation, you would know how to act either. I fled the property with very little things, just got my dogs out so they would be safe from retaliation as well as myself. You hear of people getting shot over stuff like this. I still have to go back for my things. I left a note for my roommate telling her I left because she did what I think she did. She has not bothered to respond. I am not even sure what will happen when I go back but I will leave my dogs with friends so I'll know they will be safe. I don't think she'll try anything knowing I know what she did. After my things are safe, I'm safe then it's time to take action. I thank you for your suggestions. I've had some time to think now and know I must come forward. But I have to do it in a way to remain safe. My roommate has young kids with her too. So sad for them. So many things to still consider. And for those who would judge me without knowing my situation, Troll How is right, Karma is a bitch. You'll get yours too.

Troll How? Just a Good Samaritan Fail!
Who said that "Please Help" has their own dog?

If you are in this situation:
1) Leave (if you fear you need protection)
2) Get to the nearest pay phone to call the police or GO BACK TO YOUR OFFICE TO GET YOUR CELL PHONE or go to your nearest friends place and call or drive to the nearest police station!
3) Obviously your friends know of the situation, use them for support until the situation is dealt with.

The law needs witnesses.... It wont help you here if this has been a known issue between you and the neighbors - it will be a he said / she said situation. Therefore you should stand up for the dying/dead dog and SPEAK UP AS A WITNESS!!!!!!

If you couldn't save this dog, you can save the next dog that will piss this roommate of yours off.

Think about it this way... If you were about to be poisoned or god forbid even worse... Wouldn't you want the person that might know it's going to happen to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! I would hope so.

Karma is going to bite you where it hurts. Sadly.

Re: Poisoned dog