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Fake Scenario

I have a question. I have not been able to find the answer on the AKC site (not saying its not there but I didn’t see it)
In this scenario, an exhibitor shows in confirmation. They enter a dog in BBE and a bitch in BBE. Same show. The dog wins the BBE class, and is WD. The bitch wins her BBE class and is WB.
If the breeder of record is one person, and this one person showed both dog and bitch to winners, can someone else take one of the dogs in the Breed ring? I am sure at some point this has happened to someone. I have just been curious how this would be handled. Yes, I am sure every breeder would love to have both winning dogs in the same day and that probably doesn’t happen much either, but I just wondered if this did happen could another person show a dog that won out of the BBE class that wasn’t that dogs breeder in the breed class.
Thanks for my wondering (wandering) mind.

Re: Fake Scenario

ANYONE can take a BBE dog or bitch for winners as long as the breeder took it in for the class.

Re: Fake Scenario

Thank you. I often have wondered how that would worked. I don't really show in BBE but thought that all winners out of BBE had to be shown by the breeder at all times.
I am grateful for the lesson.

Re: Fake Scenario

According to AKC, the breeder of record has to show the dog in the BBE class, but anyone else can show the dog in any subsequent classes. Like if a breeder has 2 1st place dogs, one being from the BBE class...someone else can show the BBE dog in WD.

Re: Fake Scenario

Along the same subject, I did learn (by asking) that if the BBE wins Best BBE, that the owner of record must show it in the BBE group.