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High Triglycerides?

I have a 10 y/o girl that has a low grade urinary infection and the vet did a blood panel that showed her triglycerides were twice the normal range.

Should I be worried --- yet?

Re: High Triglycerides?

No experience with this but found info on a search

Hi triglycerides is a large amount of fat in the blood.

Not sure if this is what you are dealing with but worth the read. (what did your vet say is the reason?) What was the cholesterol level?

Did your dog have a meal prior to blood draw? (read the above link) If so i would fast for 12 hours and run the blood work again.

hoping a meal was the cause and its nothing serious.

Re: High Triglycerides?

Just FYI, in humans, that sort of blood liped panel needs to be read on at least a 12 hour fast.

#2, Hi triglycerides comes from not processing (or eating) too many carbohydrates. Your body does not store energy as carbs, it stores it as fat.

I would not give it a second thought. Not a big issue, if you are concerned, test again on a 12 hour fast.