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Horner's Syndrome

My male dog has been diagnosed with Hornet's Syndrome.The vet says it should clear up its self but I am wondering if anyone has ever experienced this before. How long, anything I can do?

Re: Horner's Syndrome

FYI and I hope your dog is better quickly!

Re: Horner's Syndrome

I have a female that had a severe inner ear infection, and her eardrum ruptured and was on a serious dose of antibiotics and ear cleaner and eye drop for several weeks. Eye drops are still used on her daily as she had developed Horner's Syndrome from the ear. Her eye doesn't blink because of the nerve. I give her eye wetting drops in that eye daily and clean it. She is now, after several months regaining her blinking ability. My Vet told me it might never come back or at least take a very long time. Good Luck with your Lab.

Re: Horner's Syndrome

One of my girls developed this in about her 10th year. Her eyelid drooped on one side of her face. She recovered fully.

Re: Horner's Syndrome

The 14 year old boy we just lost developed this last year. I used replacement tear gel and I also took him to a doggie chiro. It cleared up over time.

The chiropractor was involved for two reasons. One to try to generate energy to reactivate his organs (VOM) and also because Horner's Syndrome is related to a nerve that runs down to the shoulder and back.

Re: Horner's Syndrome

There is a nerve that goes from the face toward the ear on each side of the face and a nerves going from the eye to the front of the skull. If either of these suffer trauma, Horners can happen. The one caused by the nerve on the front of the face and skull is more likely not as severe nor does it last as long as the one caused by the nerve going toward the ear from the eye. ellie per Dr Eric Smith opthalmologist Gaithersburg Md

Re: Horner's Syndrome

I took him to another vet and she thinks its more likely Bells Palsy because of his bottom eye lid drooping but also his whole right side of his face is swollen so she can't see in his ear. There could also be more than one nerve group involved. This is such a bummer because I planned on showing him at the nationals.

Re: Horner's Syndrome

I've not exp. Bells Palsy with dogs, only humans-the cases I have seen did not involve swelling. Could this be a reaction to an insect bite ?
I've had Horners in a older lab-it came and went in about a month-no swelling either.

Re: Horner's Syndrome

No, I did not see swelling involved with my female either? Is he on some kind of antibiotic or meds for the swelling? The swelling needs to be treated and sounds to me like some kind of insect too. A droopy lowere eye lid is a symptom of Horners but not swelling.

Re: Horner's Syndrome

He is on Baytril and Previcox and ear cleaning and meds

Re: Horner's Syndrome

Is his dropping eye blinking? If not it also has to be lubricated with Saline solution and a tearing solution.

I was wondering why the Vet has not prescribed anything for his swelling? Predisone is usually given.