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giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

What are your thoughts about providing Estra C 500 mg vitamons to a pregnant bitch ? She is a getting daily natures farmacy vitamon mixture 1 tsp right now. I want to keep her immunity up so was thinking of using 1 estra C daily also .

I feed a good dog kibble. And she gets a boiled egg now and then and we also keep frozen hamburger handy for weekly treats for everyone.

Re: giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

Ester C is calcium. I would give regular C with bioflavanoids.

Re: giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

Okay.Thank you . I thought I had heard that it was the other way around and the estra C was easier on the stomach on a lab.
Wasnt thinking that there was calcium added in estraC .
Wonder why they do that for.
Hum. Okay now is there a difference in regular vitamon C tablets? Natural versus man made. Like with vit E. There is natural and synthetic.

Re: giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

One Tums(tm) contains 500mg of calcium, just for reference. Esther-C contains only 55mg of calcium in one 500mg tablet. Could someone explain to my why an animal who is built to digest bones (which contain calcium) could be harmed by 55mg of calcium? This doesn't make sense to me and Esther-C is easier on the tummy.

Re: giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

Yes Ester-C has calcium, but not a huge amount, maybe 50 or 60mg per capsule, I have no experience but that doesn't seem like enough calcium to throw any balance off, a milkbone could have that much in it. When dogs eat hundreds of mg of calcium in their food anyway, it just doesn't seem like much.

I don't know if there is any difference, but some products are sourced from rose hips or other plant sources.

If you wanted to do whole foods you can even get rose hip powder in capsules. Try

Re: giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

Great minds think alike, you type faster though.

Re: giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

Well all Im trying to do is provide my pregnant girl with some extra vitamon C for her immunity since she is pregnant.
So I had thought giving her a Vit C tablet a day would help in this way. I do provide her with natures farmacy ultimate vitamon suppliment daily and this maybe perfectly sufficient for her .
She also has been on a salmon 1000mg capsule daily.
I also have the nature farmacy digestive enhancer, which is a probiotic product good for digestion .
If any one can help solve the vit C mystery Id like to hear more about it .Maybe she doesnt need more. Ill just take the estra C my self. :)

Re: giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

I do not think there is harm in the vitamin C but I would be more concerned about the fish oil, can cause clefts, can't remember where I learned this though, a long time ago.

Re: giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

Oh really??? cleft palates from salmon oil. Well Ill need to ask about that in another question in the forum .See if we can get something documented. I dont want that either .

Re: giving estra C 500 to pregnant bitch ?

I just googled "fish oil and cleft pallets" and lot of stuff came up. I usually do not give my pregnant bitches any vitamin supplements during pregnancy, just to be safe, they are on a good food that should provide them with all they need, and since their intake is increased they will be getting plenty.