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Bringing a female into heat

Is there a way to bring a female into season? I've used shots to do this with a horse and was just wondering if science has advanced enough to allow us to do it with dogs as well.

Re: Bringing a female into heat

Yes, enter them in obedience or rally somewhere where refunds won't be given and you're sure to lose $100 or more. ;) Anne

Re: Bringing a female into heat

Crap! That means I have to train her first? LOL

Never thought of that means. Probably cheaper than a scientific method anyhow. :-)

Re: Bringing a female into heat
Cabergoline (Dostinex): I haven't used it personally, but I've heard it has excellent results. I plan to use it soon.

Re: Bringing a female into heat

Is there a way to bring a female into season? I've used shots to do this with a horse and was just wondering if science has advanced enough to allow us to do it with dogs as well.

I personally know someone who has used it with success and had a nice size litter.

Re: Bringing a female into heat

call Dr. Hutch. There is a vulvar implant that brings them in.

Re: Bringing a female into heat

Yes - Dr. Marco Bregliano in Okotoks, AB does it all the time sucessfully.

Re: Bringing a female into heat

WHat's the name of that vulvar implant?

Re: Bringing a female into heat

This meddling with living creatures is disgusting. Maybe there is a reason why the bitch is not coming into heat?
Why not listen to mother nature instead of trying to play God?


Re: Bringing a female into heat

Duck and cover
This meddling with living creatures is disgusting. Maybe there is a reason why the bitch is not coming into heat?
Why not listen to mother nature instead of trying to play God?


We are in the year 2010. It does not heal reproductive problems. it helps to better plan our litters. I find extremely useful to bring the girls in season at the right time. I don't want to have puppies in Christmas or Thanksgiving time.
Also, it is a tool to be used under the direction of a professional. You can't go and just buy it at Walgreen.

Re: Bringing a female into heat

Dr. Frankenstein, I presume???

Re: Bringing a female into heat

I'm not sure I'd go quite that far or that forcefully, but I do believe there should be a better reason for meddling with a bitch's hormones than our own convenience. We ask so much of our girls as it is and the whelping does take a toll on their body. Why magnify that just because we don't want to deal with a litter when we want to go on vacation, or whatever?! Nothing is without risk and who knows if it could increase the chances of cancer or what else down the road. Nothing is risk free. Our dogs live their lives to serve us, doing the best we can for them should be our priority. Stepping off my soap box and sorry for offending, just things to think about.

Duck and cover
This meddling with living creatures is disgusting. Maybe there is a reason why the bitch is not coming into heat?
Why not listen to mother nature instead of trying to play God?


Re: Bringing a female into heat

I had a vet give hormones to a mare of mine years ago, and she developed ovarian cancer, several vets told me it was due to the hormone treatment. I am not certain of the cause, but I wouldn't try it again.
with my bitches, if they are kept with another bitch in season, they often will cycle too ( much to my disdain....they all usually cycle about the same time! )

Re: Bringing a female into heat

Not answering any poster in particular, but I'm always taken aback when a simple request for information brings forth judgmental posts. There are many reasons other than convenience that various prescriptions and procedures are tried. Seems to me that it's better just to do what you think is right for your own animals, and let others have the same freedom.

Re: Bringing a female into heat

I think it was Deslorelin, but check with Dr. Hutch. It brings the girl into season, and if you don't breed, it will keep them from coming in again for about a year.

Re: Bringing a female into heat

the implant is caled Ovulplant. It is a pellet inserted under the skin of the vulva.

Search for it and you will get the info on how it works.