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Found a bulldog. She is in perfect health and really sweet. However she is bred and has what my vet said was ear infections that were so bad that it made the inside protrude out. She scratches it until it bleeds. I have ear wash and drops and she is on an antibiotic. Vet said that is all that she is set up to do. The only other thing is to take her to a speacialist and have them go in and cut it out??? Could be 1000 to 2000$ for both ears. I will work day and night to save her and her puppies but I do not have that much money to spend. Any help will be wonderful. Thank you.

Re: Cauliflower

are you talking about hematomas from all the scratching or something that has to be taken our of the ear canal itself. If she/he has developed hematomas from scratching I would try some DMSO spreading it in the ears. it works wonders to pull out blood and swelling, you could end up with perfectly looking ears after the infection of the inner ear is cleared up. The DMSO is amazing for drawing out and leaving a natural looking ear. They even make some that has no side effect like the garlic taste and smell. I will get the name from work tomorrow if you want it, it is basically gel Voltaren. I wasn't really sure what exactally what they were planning on doing surgery on?

Re: Cauliflower

Well I think she said that because it was an ear infection that looked untreated for a long time that the ears are hard on the inside and no real way to clean them out. So I was thinking she meant that she would have to cut all of the growth out? Either way she said that she is not set up for that. I would love to know if the DMSO would work. I know we used that on a horse last year. Wait for more info. Thank you so much. I put an e collar on her also so she will let it heal some. Just not sure what all to do for her to make her comfortable. I couldnt think for even a day what this would feel like to a person. By the way. We have been treating her for over a week with the meds, drops and ear wash. Nothing has helped. Hoping the e collar will atleast start some healing.

Re: Cauliflower

Has the vet tried flushing? If she is amiable, it could be done without sedation. I had a bitch many years ago that had a bacterial infection that would not clear up and the vet did tell me that if we could not overcome the infection - she would have to have her ear canals removed. We worked on her for 3 months and finally got it cleared up. 3 different types of meds, working on the ears 3 X a day. There are also meds to take internally for whatever bacteria it is and what the culture suggests to use, but what she can take while prego is another story.

Re: Cauliflower

We need your e-mail address so we can get info on where to make donations. I love people that go out of the way to make an animals life as good as it can be.

Re: Cauliflower

I'm not sure you can use DMSO on a pregnant female. Have you thought about the fact that most Bulldog's need c-sections when whelping. Sounds like you may need a more knowledgeable vet who knows how to treat this girl's ear problems. Maybe the ear problems are due to allergies and a cortisone shot is warranted. Just some things to keep in mind. Good luck, and I do commend you for caring.

Re: Cauliflower

Ok well let me also say she was found tied with another dog a week ago so not confirmed bred but treating her as if she is. We also think she is a mix possible. She had the natural docked tail and body of a bulldog but a longer nose. The vet said that flushing it was not an option unless we can get some of if to go down. What were you using to flush it? She gave me a pretty standard flush. Love to hear you made it through it!

Re: Cauliflower

That is so sweet. I will tell you with all we are doing right now my vet works with me really great on the found dogs. That is the bad part, if she could do the ear surgery then this would not be so costly. So if it comes down to it and we have to go to another vet I will take you up on that and give you the vet clinic's email.

Re: Cauliflower

Yes she did say about the c section and that will be watch IF she is bred. She did also say if she is not she wanted to put her on some steroids. I have only use the DMSO on a horses leg once not sure what was in it. I am going to call and ask her about that now. Thanks.

Re: Cauliflower

Then why not get her in and spayed??? Then the ears can be treated with steroid to start shrinking hopefully, the inner ear to get it open.

Re: Cauliflower

I strongly suggest you get in touch with Bulldog rescue in your area, for advice and help. Most breed rescues are set up for just this kind of situation and know of the specific needs of the breed.
Also most breed rescues have funds to help dogs in need.