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Help - stinky dog!

My dogs are all house dogs and currently my boy is carrying a very heavy coat. They swim regularly in our creek which is very clean but I notice that he is the only one who is stinky! He takes a long time to dry off after a swim. I don't like to bathe him that often (usually just before the all breed shows) and I was wondering if there is any other way to clean him up so that he is not offensive in the house. I know there are doggy cologne's but I really do not him to smell foo-foo.....

Would baking soda in his coat do anything except dry out his skin????


Re: Help - stinky dog!

I have a spray bottle of Murphy's Oil soap with water that I squirt on my smelly girl who loves our swamp. I make sure to get under her belly and do tail, under tail well. I then rum down with a towel. It seems to help and Murphy's won't dry the coat.

Re: Help - stinky dog!

That smell is actually bacteria and I would recommend a thorough rinsing at least and dry with a forced air dryer. If the hair blows out, it wasn't attached, anyway. Otherwise, hot spot potential.

Re: Help - stinky dog!

I agree. Just rinse with cold water and blow the coat dry. We do it all the time.

Re: Help - stinky dog!


Re: Help - stinky dog!

My dogs are all house dogs and currently my boy is carrying a very heavy coat. They swim regularly in our creek which is very clean but I notice that he is the only one who is stinky! He takes a long time to dry off after a swim. I don't like to bathe him that often (usually just before the all breed shows) and I was wondering if there is any other way to clean him up so that he is not offensive in the house. I know there are doggy cologne's but I really do not him to smell foo-foo.....

Would baking soda in his coat do anything except dry out his skin????


HyLite shampoo made by DVM will eliminate wet doggie smell and also has a residual effect. DVM products are not being produced right now but look for them to come back in the fall. HyLite is non medicated, hypoallergenic and detergent free! This shampoo will not dry out your dogs coat and may be used frequently, low in fragrance.

Re: Help - stinky dog!

I am having the same problem, and with unrelated dogs, usually a sour or musty smell. They also are in full coat, and takes forever for them to dry, any other suggestions.

I do something similar...

I have a bottle of diluted Listerene (the orginal one). After swimming, I towel Caleb dry, then give him a quick once over with the Listerene & water.

Re: Help - stinky dog!

I'm pondering whether those of you that have dogs that aren't drying well and staying soaked have open coats? Going to lay odds even though you think they have correct heavy coats, they don't. Correct guard hair sheds the water, it doesn't allow it to 'get in' and soak the dog.

I had a girl once who had a gorgeous very thick undercoat covering every inch of her body, her coat was quite incorrect. She had no guard hair!