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put wt on??

I have a bitch that I've been told to put 20lbs on so she can be competitive in the all-breed ring.

Not sure why when she's at a good working weight and condition I need to make her obese but anyways...... I'm sure someone will explain that mentality to me.

Anyone have hints on how to put a little weight on her? Whatever it is can't have beef in it - causes tummy upset for her.

Re: put wt on??

A performance formula with higher protein/fat such as pro plan performance? or what about just feeding her more of her own food?

Re: put wt on??

Unless she's emaciated, I can't imagine a dog needing 20lbs. Are you sure they just didn't want to tell you that she just doesn't have the proper substance? Fat doesn't equal substance. Maybe a couple pounds to fill her in if she's otherwise nice, but 20lbs is ridiculous.

Re: put wt on??

That is alot of weight. If you don't want to show her keep her as is. If you co own and need to show then put a little weight on her for the breeder you got her from. Take her in the ring and see what she is made of. Obedience and field work is great also.

Re: put wt on??

Thank you for your replies. I was told my many that she wasn't "fat enough" to show. I own her outright, she has very nice conformation, moves well, has a stellar personality and has a wonderful pedigree.

We are currently training at a CD level and have hopes on doing more obed levels with her. I would like to get a Ch on her, but I don't think I should have to make her obese just to get her winning.

Oh well - maybe that's a good thread to start

Re: put wt on??

20 pounds??? If your girl has the proper bone structure and size but is so thin she seriously requires a 20 pound weight gain, I think I'd be heading for the emergency room rather than the show ring!

Re: put wt on??

Some people think fat is substance. When I first started showing I always heard 'going to a specialty, need to put weight on my dog'. In hindsight, I realized those dogs didn't need weight, they were too 'weedy' and not typey and really needed more substance and labrador type.

Re: put wt on??

Interestingly, I thought in All Breed shows, they appreciated the working lab more than at Specialties. You want to show the dog at the best weight for it's body. Some dogs that might be heavier, some it might be lighter. I have a thinner boy who's not as broad as some that you see in the ring, yet he does have considerable bone...probably in the high 80#s but to me, he's not what you typically see in the ring. Not big and overdone. Put in him an AKC show for the first time (he's a UKC CH) and he pulled a RWD. So maybe you want to try showing your girl and see what happens before you listen to other folks about adding weight.

Or try UKC if it's in your area. The judges are more willing to chat and some judge both AKC/UKC and you can find out more about the merit of your bitch that way.