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Sad News From Scotland

The LRC of Scotland website has the announcement on their home page regarding the passing of Margie Cairns, of Blaircourt, at the age of 90.

I have a very special memory of Mrs. Cairns awarding my first ever Specialty ribbon at the LRCGD inaugural specialty in 1986 with my foundation bitch. I will never forget it, or her. Godspeed, Marjorie, you were the best!

Re: Sad News From Scotland

That is so sad.

May you rest in peace our dear Margie.

Re: Sad News From Scotland

I was privileged to meet Margie when she was a house guest of Ginger Campbell )alas, also gone) many years ago. She was a very gracious lady, kind to and interested in a total newbie. Sorry to hear that she is gone, but glad to hear that she reached a great old age.

Re: Sad News From Scotland

For those of you new to the breed Margie and her late husband Grant (Blaircourt) bred the dog we use in the photo of the AKC Labrador Standard. Margie was a rare treasure for the Labrador breed. As Sherry Simpson Jessup stated so well "she will be so missed by those who had the honor to know and love her." Our deepest sympathies are with Roy Ellison, who was her compaion and saw her go to her peace.