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Resco Martingale Show Leads

I am looking at getting my first show lead, and from a posting a few weeks back, the rescoe show lead was suggested to the OP.

How do you measure which size to get? I see that they come in 6, 8, 10, 12 & 14. My boy has about a 13" neck right now (he is just 6 mo). I don't want to order to small. I am hoping on ordering the correct size now & a larger one for when he grows.

Re: Resco Martingale Show Leads

13" neck at 6 months? Are you absolutely sure? I have a 3 month old pup here that has bigger than 13". Perhaps you did not measure right?

Re: Resco Martingale Show Leads

I am looking at getting my first show lead, and from a posting a few weeks back, the rescoe show lead was suggested to the OP.

How do you measure which size to get? I see that they come in 6, 8, 10, 12 & 14. My boy has about a 13" neck right now (he is just 6 mo). I don't want to order to small. I am hoping on ordering the correct size now & a larger one for when he grows.

I am not sure what these numbers mean---6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. But they don't mean neck size. 6 inch neck? A newborn pup might have a 6 inch neck. What do the numbers mean? It would be easier to advise you with better measurements.

Re: Resco Martingale Show Leads

I just took a look at the leads you mentioned. I wouldn't buy that for a lab. Those leads are made for smaller dogs. That is why they have such small neck sizes listed. I tried to use a martingale type lead once. Hated it, and so did my pup!

Re: Resco Martingale Show Leads

I agree. The Resco martingale leads are not appropriate for labradors. A Resco snap on lead and a fine choke chain would be better. You also should have an English style slip lead for specialties and breeder judges.

Re: Resco Martingale Show Leads

I agree. The Resco martingale leads are not appropriate for labradors. A Resco snap on lead and a fine choke chain would be better. You also should have an English style slip lead for specialties and breeder judges.

I'm not crazy about using snap ons. So often, they unsnap. I like the nylon collars (or chain, depending on the dog) with the lead that attaches by looping it onto the collar instead of the snap. Looks nicer, and will not come off.

Re: Resco Martingale Show Leads

No, I measured correctly, just did not type correctly. He has about a 16" neck

Thanks everyone for the information on the martingale. Is there a specific chain that I should look for? I was looking at the snake chains, but wasn't sure if they would be ok for just starting him out, or should I use a fine standard choke?

Re: Resco Martingale Show Leads

Just a fine standard choke.