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training dogs to free-bait

Hi All,
I have a bitch that I want to show, have taken her to handling classes, but I can't get her to show herself free-baiting. Anyone have any helpful hints on getting a dog to "use herself" and give a show stance from free baiting?

I learned how to stack her in class but I have no idea how to bait he into a stand.


Re: training dogs to free-bait

Is it that you cant get her to pay attention to you and show herself and she seems distracted?

First step: Have a handful of kibble and let her know its there, and throw it on the ground..

Once she figures out that you have food in your hand....

Second Step: Do Step 1 again, but say "want it? want it?", get her all excited and pretend to throw it and if shes trying to catch it - if she does - awesome throw it and let her catch it. (this time, make it something tasty if shes not crazy with her kibble)

Third Step: Get the leash, and repeat Second Step

Fourth Step: Once she's starting to catch it... and showing herself off, so she doesnt break her stand if she misses the food when you throw it - dont let her get it off the ground by saying " no... watch me. "

Have fun!!!

Re: training dogs to free-bait

thanks for your advice. It's not that she's distracted, it's that she just stands there in a more lazy pose than a show pose. The only way I get a show pose is when I hand stack her.

Re: training dogs to free-bait

First, try your training on a mostly empty stomach. You can try letting her smell something good (treat) in your hand and get her eye contact to the bait. Move the bait around and get her to follow it. When you have her attention, ask her to watch and catch it. It takes a while for some, not for others.

You could also try just working with a little toy or squeaker. Get her attention, same way.

Don't make this boring - she needs to know you are trying to have fun. Sometimes stacking is not much fun, so don't let her get bored. Talk her up.

Re: training dogs to free-bait

When you are teaching dogs to catch a treat, I have found that something like popcorn or cheese puffs are great because they have more "hang time" than heavy treats

Re: training dogs to free-bait

If she doesnt seem to have fun with freebaiting after our advice, then maybe its just not for her. Think about what makes her look her best. If specialities arent her thing, then just take her to all-breeds and maybe her babies can do better :)

Dont get discouraged.

Sometimes even working in a group helps too! Make it a competition and let her build off the energy of the other dog

Re: training dogs to free-bait

I'm having the opposite problem. I have a bitch that free baits beautifully but I can't seem to hand stack. Any suggestions from the OP or Kibble?

Re: training dogs to free-bait

What exactly is the issue Reverse?

Re: training dogs to free-bait

Try taking a few handling classes from someone that is fairly well regarded. You can learn so much from a professional handler.

Labs don't really need to be stacked that often. I made sure I could hand stack for photos, as the photographers only have so much time, but otherwise, it really isn't used much in the Lab ring.

Re: training dogs to free-bait

It really depends on where you are showing.

All-Breed, to non-breeder judges, you most certainly should be able to hand stack.

Specialities is where it is definitely all free-bait

It is honestly whatever makes your dog look best. That is what every professional handler will tell you.

Reverse: If you are having trouble with hand stacking because maybe she/he is not standing for you - then just simply practice more. Tell them to stay while you have them stacked. Work with them solo, until you are set. And then work with distractions. And praise praise praise!

Re: training dogs to free-bait

I had a bitch particularly difficult to hand stack. started by holding treat in front as if free baiting while kneeling along side her, and started by just touching her feet while baiting, to lifting each foot while baiting, etc

Re: training dogs to free-bait

you need to have lots of extra energy when you work with her. Really "rev" her up. Get excited, high pitched voice, I grab the sides of my dog and make play sounds. Whatever works to rev her up. Get down on the ground. Do crazy things. Once she has some energy,then try free baiting her. If she does even a little bit animated get really excited and lots of praise and break it off. Jazz her up again and free bait. i would do that a lot until she gets the more of an energy level. Sometimes I am working so hard at "rev"ing the dog up I almost hyperventilate. LOL, Since she does not have the energy right now you need to provide it for both of you.

Then when you take her to some shows don't even think about the fact that you are competing and get serious. You stay animated the whole time and focus on her and forget about the judge. The purpose of the first few shows should be to get her animated in the ring. Use your energy. make it incredibly fun. Clearly you cannot do all the crazy things at a show that you were doing at home but there is a lot of leeway at a show for play and goofyness.

Hope this helps. You need to stay excited, excited, excited.

Re: training dogs to free-bait

thanks all for the suggestions - off to work