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Pre Novice Obedience

Can anyone post a link to info on the Pre-Novice Obedience requirements? I was looking around the AKC site and didn't see it....
Do all obedience trials offer this class?
Any information is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Re: Pre Novice Obedience

Look at the regulations. It is a non regular class.

I would also look at the optional titling class, Beginner Novice.
No, pre-Novice and Beginner Novice do NOT have to be offered, but they are at obedience trials.

Re: Pre Novice Obedience

Pp. 66-67 in rules for Pre-Novice.

start around page 43 for Beginner Novice. That's a title, FWIW.

Re: Pre Novice Obedience

Thank you so much, Charlotte! I appreciate it.