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Safeguard worming schedule for puppies

For those of you who use Safeguard for your litters, what is your worming schedule?


Re: Safeguard worming schedule for puppies

At 5 weeks.

Re: Safeguard (Panacur) worming schedule for puppies

Do you worm again or just the one time? I went onto another dog site (can't remember now. . . beagles?) and they are using Safeguard (Panacur) at 2,4,6, and 8 weeks.

Re: Safeguard (Panacur) worming schedule for puppies

Yes I do it once at 5 weeks. I give them it for 3 days. 1 ml per 4lb.s. Then I tell puppy buyers whether I saw worms or not. And to take a poo sample to their Vet for the 1st visit.

Re: Safeguard (Panacur) worming schedule for puppies

I worm at 2,4,6, and 8 weeks with panacur. In my last litter my puppies had worms at 3 weeks. Wormed at 4, 6 and the worms were gone. Wormed again at 8 weeks just to be safe. All pups were parasite free at 8 weeks and ready for their new homes.

Re: Safeguard (Panacur) worming schedule for puppies

I have never had anyone come back to say they had worms. I just felt that worming them so many times was to rough on their little systems. It is a chemical!