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I have an allergy-prone bitch. Her mother didn't have allergies, but I can now see in photos and in person, that her very famous father has them (pink feet), and also his even more famous father apparently passes it on on a regular basis. I know several kids (unrelated) out of the grandsire with the same pink feet and other allergy signs. I've already spayed my girl (a finished champion), but why oh why do people keep breeding into the same lines? Do they not notice the stud dog with pink feet in the ring, or many kids with the same thing? I've decided not to continue my line and concentrate on something new, but I guess I'm just frustrated and wondering if the owners of these boys are just turning a blind eye, or if they think it's no big deal, or ???

Re: Allergies

Sorry this has happened to you. Do you care to share the name of the famous sire and grandsire? I don't have allergies and would like to avoid them if possible. TY

Re: Allergies

There could be many reasons why people do what they do. You were not aware - so you used the sire. Other people maybe in the same boat.

There are going to be issues with every dog out there - this is one that you can "see" - maybe there is the chance that it won't be passed on - just like the tail carriage or elbows or anything else?

Why do some people do more testing than others? It is the way they make decisions. Right or wrong.

Re: Allergies

Honestly, after living with an allergy dog, I think it impacts the owner (and the dog) much more than most other issues we have in the breed. Certainly more than the mildly dysplastic dogs I've had or probably other issues as it's a day-in, day-out issue that is constantly being fought.

I bred to this boy almost 7 years ago - he was young then and didn't show any signs of allergies, but if I see a yellow dog with red feet, I am definitely running the other way, no matter how big-winning the dog is.

Re: Allergies

The trouble is how does one tell if a black or chocolate has allergies, unless the owner states that it does.

Re: Allergies

"PINK feet" are not always allergies. Sometimes it is something not always so permanent like pain anywhere in the body or stress/anxiety or skin infections whether bacterial or fungal.Veterinary Chiropractic can do wonders.

Re: Allergies

But when you see relative after relative with the same issue, allergies are highly suspected.

Re: Allergies

Could be or not but my real point is that it takes a process of elimination not just looking at the "pink" to find out the true cause of the problems. Everything is not always as it seems.

Re: Allergies

My vet states that they see more and more dogs with allergies, all breeds, not just labs.
Remember how we all grew up eating peanut butter sandwiches, now a huge number of kids are allergic to nuts, eggs, autism is 1 in 150.....could this be environmental? I do not know the answer, but everyone seems to be fighting the allergy issue.

Re: Allergies

Not trying to argue with anyone on this thread.However this subject always grabs my attention because I have lived with allergies all of my life and not until recent years did I find a Dr who really knew how to deal with them.Armed with what he has taught me,I truly believe that dogs can have some of the same problems.

I know that a lot of people will not believe this but am posting anyway with the hopes that it will be read with an open mind & could help someone and their dog:

Re: Allergies

This is an interesting hypothesis. Are there clinical trials to back it up? Anecdotal doesn't cut it with me

Re: Allergies

Pink feet = allergies of some sort. There are lines that consisently produce this amongst other allergy type problems. If one thinks there's no heritability factor going on, think again.

Re: Allergies

I bought a bitch from a respected long time breeder many years ago. Nice bitch who had a couple of ear infections when younger. After being bred, she started to have almost constant, nasty ear infections. Then the reports came of her offspring getting terrible ear infections as they matured. I later find out that my bitch's siblings and pedigree were riddled with ear infections. When I spoke to the breeder about it, she was convinced that allergies were the lesser of the other evils (seizures, etc.) so she doesn't worry much about allergies. Eventually, I ended up with a new vet for other reasons and he was able to teach me to manage (diet and proper treatment) the allergies.

1) Even though allergies might be better than many problems, they are not something to ignore when making breeding decisions. They clearly can be genetic and cause owners (and the poor dogs) much trouble. Stud owners need to be honest.

2) Not all vets have a clue as to how to manage allergies.

Re: Allergies

I agree with the pink feet. My comment was directed in reference to the link to greatdane lady's web site: was that information verified or an commercial ad for Jean Dodd?

Also, when you say most vets do not know how to manage allergies, I agree. did you come up with a working solution? care to share?

Re: Allergies

Okay for those willing to look outside the box, it is very easy to find articles that point out different reasons for licking feet and that they are sometimes but NOT ALWAYS from allergies. Here is the very first one that came up on the list when I googled:

DA-Don't care if the Great Dane Lady is advertising because I read between the lines and a lot of her general ideas can work if done correctly for the dog especially under the care of a vet who is well versed in such things. Posting the article was only meant to give a different viewpoint for consideration.There are tons of other articles out there for people to see for themselves and vets that practice complimentary medicine who usually understand this kind of approach.
It is only common sense that promoting a healthy immune/digestive system would either help prevent or improve allergies which are often caused or intensified by things like vaccinations or antibiotics or candida or heavy metal contamination or wrong food, or etc. virtually the same thing that happens with people.

DA to each his own. If you don't believe it fine that's your right. It does not matter to me but maybe someone else could help themselves or their dogs by looking at something that does not always have to involve Prednizone or Benadryl which are kinda hard on the kidneys and ALWAYS treating for allergies may hide something else that is really causing the licking.