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Lyme Vaccination

What is the opinion on the Lyme disease vaccination? My vets just brought it up and said it might be something to consider, as Lyme disease seems to becoming more prevalent in our area. (we are in north east region). My vets are not big time vaccination pushers (believe more in using titer test vs over vaccinating).
I am new to this vaccine, and I know that with any there are pluses and drawbacks, just wondering what the lab people do who have dogs that are active in the outdoors. My labs are house dogs, but spend a great bit of time in the outdoors (hiking, field trials, obedience etc)

Re: Lyme Vaccination

I recently received a call from a puppy buyer whose 4.5 y/o she got from me was in kidney failure. It started with Lyme disease. Either the meds to cure it or the disease itself caused the problem. She lives in the Adirondacks...the last thing she told me was she wished she had given her girl the vaccination.

Re: Lyme Vaccination

I vaccinate. Efficacy is not 100%, but the vaccines have improved, and most dogs do get protection from the vaccine, according to my vet.