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Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

What does one do for a young boy who first started marking in the house and everywhere else he deems when one of our girls came into heat this past June ?

He never used to mark in the house but now that he started this bad habit, my girls are starting to look more appealing by the day

Our guy is not a full time house dog but comes inside when I can monitor him during the day and at night time. When I do catch him marking, I drag him over to his mark and scold him then put him outside.

This morning, he lifted his leg up and down all my puppy crates ( no pups inside ). I love our fella but this what I can expect with stud dog ownership ?

My original goal was to keep this young boy in our house and only to go outside to potty then go for walks off our property when the girls are in heat. I do not like to kennel our dogs or keep them only outdoor dogs. Our dogs are our family companions first and foremost.

Do some stud dogs mark more than others or is this behavior normal and I'll always have to be on guard when he comes in the house ?

Please, I don't need any smart ass replies, just offer me some constructive advise on how to best deal with our loveable fella's marking issues. Thanks in advance

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

What a pain this can be! IMHO....can you find another place for your boy to stay while the girl(s)s are in heat??? I'm sure you'll get lots of suggestiosn from those that deal with this on a regular basis. Good luck!

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

put him on his training leash and set him up by taking him to a spot he marked before so he may still smell urine. When he goes to lift his leg give a sharp leash and verbal corrections. Be consistant.

I am no expert but this worked with one of my pups in a pet home. One or 2 corrections and he never did it again.

Good luck

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

Thanks, I"ll give it a try

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

Try a belly band too. You may find this to be the easiest solution, as you may not be able to monitor him 100% of the time.

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

Can you confine him to a certain area of the house where you can keep an eye on him and/or the girls aren't around??? An umbilical leash might help you keep track of him as well.

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

House Dog Stud Owner
Try a belly band too. You may find this to be the easiest solution, as you may not be able to monitor him 100% of the time.

I had this same problem when my boy was 14 months old and his mother and sister were in season at the same time. I used the belly band along with constant monitoring and corrections if he "slipped". He has been very good in the house since then (he will be 2 this weekend) but he still marks occasionally in the garage. I believe right now he is telling me that the girls are coming in season again.

Good luck - I can vouch for the belly band simply because he seemed not to even think about marking when wearing it and for the peace of mind it gave me. I have it ready just in case we need it again when the girls are in season

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

Dragging him to his mark and scolding him is not the answer. Intact boys do this - we all know that. I'm not saying they all do and I'm not saying most do. Some do, some don't. Your boy does. Either deal with it or neuter him before you get as frustrated as you sound and you do something you might regret and he'll never forget.

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

Thanks, where can I get a belly band..petcos or pet smarts or do I need to order it online Where ????

for the record, to the one poster, I would never do anything to physcially or emotionally scar our boy due to his marking. I got a bit frustrated raising our human kids but I never abused them for gosh sakes.

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

I bought the belly band at Petsmart but you should be able to find one at Petco also.

Good luck with your boy. This is the first intact boy at my house (that made it over the age of 1) and I love him dearly. I will do whatever is necessary.

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

I have one here that is 13 years old. If he is not crated at night, I guarantee he will mark my laundry room door. He is OK during the day as long and someone is where he can see or hear them. I figure he has nothing to do but think about when he can sneak in another pee. I, on the other hand, have way too much to do to be able to monitor him all day long.

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

Since this is the first in tact boy 10 months old we've owned, I was wondering how all those retired boys from breeding programs do when placed in their forever home as neutered males ? Do the new families tell you that they are having difficulties training their boy not to mark in the house ? This is assuming the stud dog was kept as a kennel dog, or not let in the house as much as a regular house dog .

Re: Frustrated with young boy Marking in our house

They can be trained not to do it. I have a younger boy who started marking and I have corrected him for it. The correction has helped. And I am not talking about dragging him back to the spot and punishing him for it.