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Stud dog does not perform...update

UPDATE....awhile back I was asking for long time breeder input as I had a stud dog on lease not breed all bitches in season. As I stated in my original message "he likes some but not all". I have bred him to several bitches both AI and Natural, and he has produced litters of 12 and 13 live, healthy pups. I am guessing that he is just a selective breeder.

Re: Stud dog does not perform...update

What is the relationship between the stud dog and the bitch? I ask this because I have a stud dog who grew up with one of my bitches and when she came into season he was not even interested in her. When my other bitches come into season he is raring to go. I started to think that he was not interested in my one bitch because they grew up together. I don't know what else it could be. Dogs can be funny like that.

Re: Stud dog does not perform...update

I had successfully bred him to 2 outside bitches, and they conceived. Then 2 of mine came into season and he wasn't at all interested in one of them but was nuts over the other. He is owned by another breeder and is here for 6 months, then going back home. I tried to breed him to both of my girls almost a year ago and he rejected the one but liked the other (he didn't like the one a year ago and still didn't like her this time either). I agree they can be funny like that, but it is good to hear that others have had the same experience.
Thanks for asking.