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Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

I am interested in subscribing to another magazine besides the LQ.
Can someone list what other labrador magazines are out there and they like?
Thank you!

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

Just Labs is a nice one. It has articles on health, different kennels, and interesting
stories about families and their Las.

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

I think the Just Labs magazine is fun for novice lab owners and pet owners, but once I got to the point of really showing and competing etc. it became mostly a fluff magazine full of cute photos. The articles didn't really give me anything new that helped.

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

I think the Just Labs magazine is fun for novice lab owners and pet owners, but once I got to the point of really showing and competing etc. it became mostly a fluff magazine full of cute photos. The articles didn't really give me anything new that helped.

So what else do you recommend for the OP and others besides websites and the LQ? I just cancelled my LQ last week. It's become smaller, missing pages, has too many ads for too young stud-dogs or flavors of the month and was shredded partially again even in plastic. I'll borrow from others before I spend money for damaged goods that is becoming too commercial. An apology for my complaints about the LQ to the wrong parties.

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

I really enjoy Dog World. Though it is all breed, it has great articles on health, behavior, training, etc.

The AKC Gazette is alright, but I get board with it easily. The breed columns are the best part I think.

Have to agree with what others said about Just Labs. To me, a little to basic.

There is always The Retriever Journal, but that definatly has a field scope to it.

There use to be a Labrador International, or something like that, but I don't think it's around anymore.

Any good publications from Canada, Britain, or other countries worth suscribing too?

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

What was that lab magazine that just disappeared a couple years ago. Many of us had paid full subscriptions and never received anything? I remember someone said a computer crashed but then I never received a refund or the 3 issues I was owed. Darn, what was the name of it...

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

Just Labs is nice, but definitely geared towards pet owners. Fun stories, nice pictures. The one subscription I wouldn't ever want to miss, though not Labs, is Whole Dog Journal. Those I keep forever.

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

what ever happen to?
What was that lab magazine that just disappeared a couple years ago. Many of us had paid full subscriptions and never received anything? I remember someone said a computer crashed but then I never received a refund or the 3 issues I was owed. Darn, what was the name of it...

Is it "The International Labrador Review" that you are thinking of? It was a very nice publication, before they got flaky...Many people sent their money in and never received a thing. Me included. Can you say "ponzi scheme"? Seriously, they may have had the very best intentions when they began, but to keep people's money when they knew full well that they weren't going to deliver a product is, at the very least, dishonest. Too was a nice publication.

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

"I am interested in subscribing to another magazine besides the LQ. Can someone list what other Labrador magazines are out there and they like? Thank you!"

"Just Labs is a nice one. It has articles on health, different kennels, and interesting stories about families and their Labs."

"I think the Just Labs magazine is fun for novice lab owners and pet owners, but once I got to the point of really showing and competing etc. it became mostly a fluff magazine full of cute photos. The articles didn't really give me anything new that helped."

"So what else do you recommend for the OP and others besides websites and the LQ? I just cancelled my LQ last week. It's become smaller, missing pages, has too many ads for too young stud-dogs or flavors of the month and was shredded partially again even in plastic. I'll borrow from others before I spend money for damaged goods that is becoming too commercial. An apology for my complaints about the LQ to the wrong parties."

"I really enjoy Dog World. Though it is all breed, it has great articles on health, behavior, training, etc. The AKC Gazette is alright, but I get board with it easily. The breed columns are the best part I think. Have to agree with what others said about Just Labs. To me, a little to basic. There is always The Retriever Journal, but that definitely has a field scope to it.
There use to be a Labrador International, or something like that, but I don't think it's around anymore. Any good publications from Canada, Britain, or other countries worth subscribing too?"

"What was that lab magazine that just disappeared a couple years ago. Many of us had paid full subscriptions and never received anything? I remember someone said a computer crashed but then I never received a refund or the 3 issues I was owed. Darn, what was the name of it..."

"Is it "The International Labrador Review" that you are thinking of? It was a very nice publication, before they got flaky...Many people sent their money in and never received a thing. Me included. Can you say "ponzi scheme"? Seriously, they may have had the very best intentions when they began, but to keep people's money when they knew full well that they weren't going to deliver a product is, at the very least, dishonest. Too was a nice publication."

"Just Labs is nice, but definitely geared towards pet owners. Fun stories, nice pictures. The one subscription I wouldn't ever want to miss, though not Labs, is Whole Dog Journal. Those I keep forever."

Lots of interesting thoughts running through my head... The OP titled his/her topic "Labrador Magazine Subscriptions", implying he/she was looking for Labrador specific resources. Even said, "what other Labrador magazines are out there"...

We had some replies relative to non-Labrador specific publications (Dog World, Whole Dog Journal, AKC Gazette); and some that claim to be Labrador specific ("Just Labs") but contain generic articles/information (you can tell because Willow Creek Press also publishes "Just Goldens", "Just Jack Russells", and "Just Dachshunds"); along with the wonderful publication that stiffed a bunch of folks (ILR); but the cold hard fact is that, despite the complaint logged, LQ is the best resource available for ads for current dogs; pedigree information; in-depth interviews with long-time and (arguably) successful Labrador Retriever breeders; as well as some spectacular photographs of current and historical dogs in the breed; Specialty Results; along with articles regarding Obedience; Rescue; health issues; field work; personal and heart-felt real-life experiences; centerfolds of infamous dogs in countless pedigrees; AND a global Breeder Directory. Their subscription prices are reasonable (IMHO) and they are willing to work with you when there is a problem (in my personal experience).

Complaining that "It's become smaller"...hmmmm...I just had a look at my LQ for Fall 1994. It was 168 pages. My Summer 2010 issue is 232 pages. Ummmm...simple math tells me it's not smaller.

Complaining that it "has too many ads for too young stud-dogs or flavors of the month"...hmmm...we all have to start somewhere and the pedigrees behind those dogs typically stand the test of time. Those "flavors of the month" have become integral dogs in the history of our breed.

Complaining that (an issue was) "shredded partially again even in plastic" blames the wrong resource (the shredding most likely happened in handling at the post office, not at Hoflin Publishing.

And, here's my favorite, "I'll borrow from others before I spend money for damaged goods that is becoming too commercial"...Lucky for you that you have friends who are willing to finance your leisurely reading habits and, "Hello?", yes, LQ is a commercial venture. They never claimed to be anything else.

No, I don't work for LQ (my skin isn't thick enough) and I don't have any family who works for LQ either. But, here's what I think. There is nothing else out there that compares to the quality (yes, quality) and depth of information that LQ provides. I am also a firm believer in the old adage..."If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem."

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

what ever happen to?
What was that lab magazine that just disappeared a couple years ago. Many of us had paid full subscriptions and never received anything? I remember someone said a computer crashed but then I never received a refund or the 3 issues I was owed. Darn, what was the name of it...

Is it "The International Labrador Review" that you are thinking of? It was a very nice publication, before they got flaky...Many people sent their money in and never received a thing. Me included. Can you say "ponzi scheme"? Seriously, they may have had the very best intentions when they began, but to keep people's money when they knew full well that they weren't going to deliver a product is, at the very least, dishonest. Too was a nice publication.

YES! That was it... Too bad

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

May have been ILR, but could it have also been the ILN? International Labrador Newsletter published in the UK (I think Penny Carpanini?)

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

Yes, Just Labs is for pet interest more. I would say go back and renew the LQ. There is nothing like it. Most of us love the nice dogs, the winning dogs, the wonderful history of a kennel, specialty write ups, rescue and field storys, notification of upcoming specialtys. There is no other, they have tryed.

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

Dogs in Review is an awesome magazine. It features all breeds and has really wonderful articles and interviews with top breeders from around the world. We can learn from any top breeder, no matter what they breed!!!!

Re: Labrador Magazine Subscriptions

Thanks to all for the interesting replies.
I still subscribe to LQ, enjoy reading it and will continue to get it.
I was looking for other Lab Magazines also.
I used to get ILR and am sorry that it is no longer published.
If anyone finds another great lab specific magazine,domestic or international, I hope that they will post the link.