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Possible Pregnant Bitch & exercise

I have a nice 9' stock pond with a saltwater pump.... she really loves the water and am wondering if you let your pregnant girls swim regularly... I will not know until later in Sept if she is actually pregnant... Thanks for your advice

Re: Possible Pregnant Bitch & exercise

I don't let mine swim if pg. Don't want to risk possible infection from the water.

Re: Possible Pregnant Bitch & exercise

I let my girls do what ever they would normally do. They still go for walks/swims right up until there due or are just to big for anything besides the coach.
I had a friend who still ran his dog in hunt tests while pregnate, she had 9 pups.

Re: Possible Pregnant Bitch & exercise

Swimming is great exercise for a PG girl. I still do field work with them as long as it isn't too hot.

Good for them to be in top shape when they go into whelp.


Re: Possible Pregnant Bitch & exercise

No swimming, just continue long walks and normal daily routine.

Re: Possible Pregnant Bitch & exercise

A repro vet told me no swimming for the first 3 weeks after breeding. After that fine to swim.

Re: Possible Pregnant Bitch & exercise

Mine go for 3 mile offlead romps along a big irrigation canal up until they say enough--- about the last 7-10 days normally. I try to knock off the swimming ~10 d to 2 wks before due date just because the mucous plug may be breaking up a bit by then, but other than that, they are free to do as they feel comfortable. I'm a firm believer of having my girls in good working condition thru whelp as I've had some long ones here, but so far, no problems w/ natural deliveries-- even w/ my 58# mom who had 6 big pups (16-19+ oz) last litter. Anne