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Dog Food

Anyone out there feeding Dick Van Pattens Natural Balance? If so, how does it work for you?

Re: Dog Food

Caleb's been on the LID line for a little over 2 years now. He still gets itchy at times, but nearly as much as when he was on Pro Plan. And his ears are so much better. Again, not perfect, but much, much better than before.

Re: Dog Food

I used to feed it to my JRT that wouldn't eat at times because of the meds she was on for her heart condition, (it caused a decrease in sense of smell/taste) but I fed the roll food as it was very aromatic and she would readily eat it if I broke it up and mixed it in with her kibble. She was otherwise healthy and had no skin issues with it, her stools were normal too.
I use the roll cut up as bait, it freezes well!