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Reading the older posts and x-raying to find out the # of pups

Have been reading the archived posts about x-rays.
I am going to wait until Day 58 to x-ray as a precaution to find out the # of pups
Do they stand her up for the x-rays?
Or is she down on the table?
Do you take in a towel to place on the x-ray table?
Trying to make sure she doesn’t catch anything while there.
What do you do?

Re: Reading the older posts and x-raying to find out the # of pups

They lay her down on the table. I don't know if you can put a towel on the table while doing an xray. It is a chance that you take when bringing your pregnant girl to the vet that she could catch something. If you are lucky and know your vet enough, ask them to clean the xray table and bring your own towel for your girl. Good luck.

Re: Reading the older posts and x-raying to find out the # of pups

Request that your girl be the first appointment of the day, or even come in pre-opening. Hopefully they will have done a thorough cleaning the night before and you will minimize germ exposure.