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growing head / eye issues

I have a girl that I bred and raised. She is now 17 months old. In the past two weeks she started having watery eyes and was rubbing them on the fence, walls, etc.
I started her on benadryl and lubricating clear eye drops figuring it was allergies.
It has not stopped the watering but has cleared it up enough that I can see the outside bottom lids of both eyes are rolling inward.
Why would this just show up now? another breeder friend said it was because her head is growing and changed the shape of her face.
She is going to vets on Saturday, just looking for some insight.

Re: growing head / eye issues

I have a girl that I bred and raised. She is now 17 months old. In the past two weeks she started having watery eyes and was rubbing them on the fence, walls, etc.
I started her on benadryl and lubricating clear eye drops figuring it was allergies.
It has not stopped the watering but has cleared it up enough that I can see the outside bottom lids of both eyes are rolling inward.
Why would this just show up now? another breeder friend said it was because her head is growing and changed the shape of her face.
She is going to vets on Saturday, just looking for some insight.

Was she ACVO tested as a pup around 8 weeks?

Re: growing head / eye issues

Here's an overview for starters: Wishing her well...

Re: growing head / eye issues

She needs to go to the VET and have some relief before she scratches her conrnea , then you will really have a problem.
She may just be growing , she may have an allergy, she may have an infection, you don't really know any of these things, you need to know the underlying issue so she can be treated.
If it is entropian , she will likely grow into that in adulthood , since she did not have it as a puppy, if it is very bad you can allow them to TACK it , but do not let them do surgery on her at this stage of her life.
Either way she needs treated now, before she damages her eye !

Re: growing head / eye issues

"breeder" is correct. Anything to do with the eyes should be seen ASAP! Just because her lids are rolling in now means that is the initiating problem. She could have an infection, already have an ulcer from something else etc etc and the rolling in of the eyelids is a means of protection. If you leave it too long they may stay that way though. Take her to the Vet and find out the original problem. Stain her eyes, do a tear test etc etc.

Re: growing head / eye issues

we are going to the vet on Saturday. When I called and spoke to the vet and told him it just came out of the blue and she does not have gunky eyes and her eyes are clear.

He figured it was not an scratch since it was in both eyes. We live in a very high allergy area so he said to start her on benadryl.

Yes she was AVCO as a pup and her last clearance was 1/2010.
so it has not been around for 17 months.

I know what is probably is what I wanted to know what would cause it so late on.
thank you

Re: growing head / eye issues

Years ago had a rescued adult with a famous father start with entropion signs at about 4 years old. When she went to the eye specialist on referral from regular vets as a presurgical consult, he measured her intraocular pressure. It was low, and her eyes were sinking into the sockets, like a flat tire or deflating balloon. He postulated that she had Lymes disease. The regular vet replied that she had no signs of it. They had a friendly wager riding on the results of the Lyme test. My regular vet lost--she had a horribly high titer, and the disease had settled in her eyes. She was antibiotics for a long time, and the condition mostly resolved as the eye pressure came up. She didn't have problems again until in her teens. Lyme is the great masquerader. It is probably just a growth thing, but you may want to check her Lyme and other tick titer, at least on an in house test to make sure that more than her eyes are not damaged. Have the vets check her eye pressure as a matter of course with any eye rolling inwards; I would hope that this would be done as a matter of course before surgery by any vet.

Re: growing head / eye issues

Entropion or Ectropion can show up at this age.

Re: growing head / eye issues

I've had entropian show up around that age, with previous clear CERFs. According to my ACVO, tacking won't work at that age and surgery is really your only option.

Re: growing head / eye issues

No matter what caused your dog's eye lids to roll inward, you will need to take her in to a qualified vet for surgery. We too had entropian show up in 2 different litters where we'd never seen it before in our breeding program. Most of the pups had been to our local cerf dr and been cleared at 8 weeks. The entropian didn't show up until the pups were 14 to 15 weeks old. Their eyes kept on watering and one of the pups started squinting early on. The cerf dr still didn't see it didn't notice the one puppie's poorly structured eye lids. I don't know how it got by him because he is a well respected eye dr. My regular vet diagnosed 3 of the pups and then one of the normal eyed boy pups went to a pet home where his eyes started watering all the time. They finally got a correct diagnosis by the same eye clinic I take my pups was entropian at the age of 1 yrs old. The dr told them it wasn't very bad case and to wait and see if his skull and eye socket will chance in the next 6 months then he will do surgery if needed. In the meantime they have been using medicated eye drops 2 times a day so he doesn't damage his cornea.

It's be good to find out if your dog has lymes and figure out what caused his entropan but you still need to take him to a qualifed eye dr for surgery. Good luck !!

Re: growing head / eye issues

Eye entropean can show up after 8 week AVCO clearance.

It can easily be surgically repaired by Optomplist (or a vet with experience)

Sometimes they tack the eye lid, and that works.

This is not the end of the world. You can Get a CERF clearance if Eye entropean is repaired.

Also, CERF states it is a breeder's option

Re: growing head / eye issues

back from the vets, he does not feel it is true entropian, although that is where it ended up as for the time.

because it came on suddenly in both eyes, he feels it was started as an allergy or irritation of the eyes. (we live on rural area and have been cutting hay fields this past month, very dusty with grass seeds flying around.)

Leading to conjunctivitis. the itching and irritation made her rub her eyes and face on rugs, concrete, fencing etc with made the lids around the eyes swell, which made the bottom lids roll inwards.
Although I had started her on benedryl and lubricated eye drops the rolled lids continued to irritate the eyes.

So after testing for lyme, eye pressure, demodex, and staining for scratches, all of these were negative :O)

She is now on oral hydrozine for itching relief and antibiotic eye ointments. With a recheck next week. Hope this helps!

Re: growing head / eye issues

Dogs can have spastic entropion. sounds like what your girl has. Saw one that was surgically corrected by another vet and then the owners had spend much more at a specialist to correct the surgery that wasn't needed in the first place.