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puppy-lawn chemicals

I had a call from a family who has one of my puppies-she wanted to ask about loose stools. After going thru the routine questions she tells me the puppy was on the lawn after the landscaper put "something" down. The next day he started with water stools, she took him to the vet and he needed fluids and meds to calm his stomach. The vet said he "believed" the landscaper that the chemicals shouldn't cause any issues (augh). The chemical was to kill insects...I told her of course it will hurt the puppy (what was the vet thinking) but I wasn't sure about any long term effects.
The puppy now 2 weeks later still has loose stools. Does anyone have any advice and, do you know if this type of exposure (which she says was only once or twice to pee) will cause long term gastro effects?

Re: puppy-lawn chemicals

The landscaper is required by law to know exactly what he put on the lawn and to provide you, if requested, with the official information on the chemical.

Re: puppy-lawn chemicals

I will pass on this info...
Has anyone else every had this happen?

Re: puppy-lawn chemicals

Even just knowing the name of the chemical will be tremendously helpful. I forget the name(s) but there are giant databases of chemicals available on-line. Even if you just Google a chemical, you will get tons of info.

Re: puppy-lawn chemicals

request or look up on-line the MSDS info sheet

(Material Safety Data Sheet)

Re: puppy-lawn chemicals

I received a call from a puppy buyer telling me that their dog had died.

They have always used a pest control company that uses organic, pet safe products. Well, the fire ant bait applied to the top of the fire ant mounds is what killed their dog. They were assured that even if the dog ate the product it would not hurt the dog. They contacted the pest control company after the dog died and were told again that it wasn't that product that killed the dog. After much research they found at the very end of the MSDS sheets in very small print a warning that this product "could" be harmful to pets if ingested.

Nothing is 100% safe. If it kills insects what will it do to your dog?