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Rough Mama

My bitch has been an excellent mama. Now at nearly 5 weeks the pups are coming out of the box and when in a larger open area Mama is encouraging them to play, etc. Only problem is she gets just too rambuctious. She starts jumping and running at them and isn't always very careful about where she lands. She wants to drag them all over the place,to the point they are yelping and running from her. I'm unable to take my eyes off her for minute. This is her first litter. She still seems happy enough to let them nurse and of course she is very relaxed then. Have any of you experienced this kind of excessive rough mothering?


Re: Rough Mama

Put her on a leash when out with the pups and when she gets to rough give a leash and verbal command to help teach her to be gentler with her pups.

Re: Rough Mama

When I use to breed field type, I had a wild mom like that. I found letting her run outside before letting interact with pups really helped her. Whelping never sapped her endless energy and she just had to get it out somehow.