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Bloody discharge during pregnancy

Has anyone had a bitch have a dark red/brown bloody discharge during weeks 3-5 of pregnancy? It comes out when she goes pee ... a small amount....kind of clotted. All seems normal otherwise. She did have a bloody discharge just like this at about 18-20 days the first time she was bred but it only lasted a few days and we figured it was just implantation. But this time it started a little later and has continued. She had 9 pups the first time.

I have talked to my vet and they think it could be just something she does or it could be reabsorbtion. I just wanted to see if anyone else has had a girl do this and still have puppies.


Re: Bloody discharge during pregnancy

I had it from day 28 and it lasted 10 days...went from rust color to red and back to darker brown. One breeder told me she may be losing the litter, another told me not to worry at all-it is okay to see this.
She has 12 puppies.

Re: Bloody discharge during pregnancy

Thank you for your story. That does make me feel better. Maybe it is just something that she will do. She seems fine otherwise. Maybe it's a sign of a large litter! ;-)

Still would be interested in hearing from others if they have had this happen too.


Re: Bloody discharge during pregnancy

I had something similar happen to my bitch and it turned out to be an open pyometra. She had a brownish red discharge about ten days after she was bred but the vet determined there was no infection present. About three weeks before she should have whelped, I brought her back because the discharge had reappeared and found out the bad news. I hope you have better luck than I!