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I've heard good things about this supplement - anyone use it???

Re: Dasuquin???

YES! With good has data published in refereed journals, the only one to do so. We primed our girl with Adequan then switched over to the Dasuquin MSM. Definitely see improvment when compared to Glycoflex 2. Well worth the money. THe key is to start it early enough, before all the joint fluid is gone.

Sue Puff

Re: Dasuquin???

My vet described it as the new and improved version of Cosequinn. I use it on my old dogs - like it.

Re: Dasuquin???

I used it on a girl I have that has FCP. After about 4 weeks she did not limp at all. I absolutely recommend it and my orthopedic vet recommended it. I use to use Glycoflex but switched and am so glad I did.

Re: Dasuquin???

My 9 y/o Lab stopped jumping on the bed and when he saw a set of stairs, he would look up at me and say, "Please carry me", with those Lab eyes. Carrying a 90lb Lab up a flight of stairs was no fun.

I had a client over, who is also a young vet. In fact she was #1 in her class at Cornell, where she went to vet school. She is now at NC State continuing her education in animal cancer and one day will teach at a Veterinarian school.

She examined my Lab, then sent me some Dasuquin and DermCaps ES. Derm Caps is not available anymore, I now use Allerderm Efa-Z Plus instead. She said I needed to give both. Told me it would take 4 weeks to see an improvement. It took only 2 weeks.

Hard to believe, he is back jumping up on the bed and climbing stairs. In fact I took him to the park for a romp and he did not come up lame.

Here is an email from her, she mentions Calhoun, that is her dog: "1. Derm Caps extra strength - basically marine (ie fish) oils that are useful for multiple inflammatory conditions like skin disease,
arthritis, inflammatory kidney disease, etc b/c they decrease the ratio of
omega 6: omega 3 fatty acids in the body, decreasing the pro-inflammatory
omega 6 fatty acids and increasing the more anti-inflammatory omega 3s.
The only side effect you may see with this is diarrhea at first. Most
dogs have no problems.

2. Dasuquin - which is the standard joint supplement of glucosamine and
chondroitin (Cosequin) plus avocado oil - the avocado oil seems to be the
miracle ingredient. No one is yet sure how it works, but it has been very
succesful in many patients. Should not have any side effects.
Dasuquin may take several months to have an effect, but I really believe
it will.

Theres meds in combination are recommended by our orthopedists at NCSU.
They will only be effective for arthritic problems, which it appears
Willie has. They will not really help any neurodegenerative problems -
but my impression is that he has hip osteoarthritis - is that correct?
Course I didn't do an exam so I can't be sure. Calhoun's arthritis was so
bad a year ago I was sure she was going to need total hip replacements in
order to be able to walk around the block again. After a few months of
derm caps and dasuquin she is able to run a few miles with me again and
doesn't limp anymore. Have heard many similar anecdotes from others."

I have now used Dasuquin for the last year and also, now have my 12 y/o on it. Wouldn't go without it.

Re: Dasuquin???

What's also great are the rebates!! - up to 12 per household at $3 and $5. Go to and click the coupon rebates button.

Re: Dasuquin???

Love it, but shop around. Vet's charge too much. Buy it at or

Re: Dasuquin???

What's also great are the rebates!! - up to 12 per household at $3 and $5. Go to and click the coupon rebates button.

Good girl Marj! Thanks for the rebate information.

Anyone know if they have a people equivalent for dasaquin?

Re: Dasuquin???

Anyone know if they have a people equivalent for dasaquin?[/quote]

Yes, they do. It's called Cosamin ASU. My vet gave me some to try - apparently the Nutramax rep gave it to her and she gave it to me since I was already taking Cosamin. She wanted to know if I could tell any difference from the regular Cosamin. I assume it's available in stores, although I've still got some left so I haven't gone looking for it.

BTW, I've got one of my dogs on Dasuquin with MSM and it works great. A while back I tried switching her to GlycoFlex III and had disastrous results. She'll get Dasuquin for the rest of her life.

Re: Dasuquin???

Thanks everyone for your responses. Sounds like I will get some for my almost 12 year old girl who limps pretty badly when she over does it. Oh, is there a equine equivalent, or is it best to buy the canine product?