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Progesterone question

Wonder if I can get some input...
bred a bitch on Tuesday and again on Thursday
Stopped at the vet on the way to the stud dog for a blood draw and progesterone.
Though my boy had the timing right and he showed no interest until Monday.
So, Friday morning, test comes back 22.7
Any input? Not pregnant, right??

Re: Progesterone question

If the blood draw was on Thursday, then you are fine. Tuesday may have been the perfect day. Maybe Monday and Wednesday would have been better but I think you have it nailed.

If the blood draw was on Tuesday and for some reason you did not get the results until Friday, you still might be OK. If the blood draw was on Monday, you might be late.

Re: Progesterone question

The breeding was done on Tuesday August 31st and progesterone done on Thursday (what a dummy I was) Sept 2nd. So on Thursday it was 22.7 Thanks for the input!

Re: Progesterone question

The actual number doesn't mean as much as when she was at 2 and when she ovulated - 5. I've heard of bitches being bred at 12, 18, 25, and over 40. All numbers were within 2-3 days of ovulating.

Re: Progesterone question

I am now waiting for pups. I bred the dog on a Thursday, a Saturday and a Monday. My vet couldn't get progesterone samples out until the Monday which was the last day i bred her. On Tuesday i got the results of the day before and she was 23.6ng. I have never had a bitch get so large with pups, so obviously it worked for her.

Personally i thing you should be ok.

Re: Progesterone question

Thanks so much! Knowledge is always a good thing. I will be hopeful! The funny thing is, my boys are really good at telling me when a bitch is ready and they did not pay her any mind until Monday when they started going nuts. Then bred her on Tuesday and Thursday. I was thinking I was breeding her too early! Was a little surprised at the 22.7! Thanks for the help!

Re: Progesterone question

just noticed how confusing the initial post was!
I meant to say THOUGHT my stud dog had the timing right, as he usually does and he paid no mind until Monday, so I bred her Tuesday and on the way to stud on Thursday did the progesterone. Came back Friday at 22.7. Hope this time I made sense!

Re: Progesterone question

The numbers I go by are...

ovulate sometime after 5 (usually 5 - 8 but before 10)

around 15 is the best time to breed, most people like the first natural breeding before then (like around 10). I like a natural breeding the day after ovulation actually but wait longer for an AI.

over 18 it is starting to get borderline but my experience says into the mid 20's works. I have heard of breedings work higher than that.

So I would think your Tuesday breeding was perfect and the Thursday breeding may be borderline.

Re: Progesterone question

Thanks for the info! I will let everyone know the results! HOPEFUL!!!