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discolored teeth

For some reason my girls get yellow/brown teeth at the gum line after having a litter. My girl had pups in June and we are waiting for her coat to return. I looked at her teeth and they look so bad! She had a rough delivery ending with a c-section. I am not willing to have her put under for teeth cleaning but I can't get this off with a tooth brush or my thumb nail. I have a scaler but I don't want to damage her teeth or gums. Do judges think the dogs are old or uncared for when teeth are not pearly white? Does it influence them?

Re: discolored teeth

If they look bad to you they are probably in need of a professional cleaning by your vet. They don't always have to put them under. Worry about her health, not what judges think!

Re: discolored teeth

I noticed the same thing when my yellow girl had her puppies... she has otherwise pretty clean teeth. But after her litter they looked bad... The puppies are now almost 5 months old and her teeth are back as they where before she had her puppies. Don't know what this means, but I just guess that after eating poops, and drinking urine they teeth can look bad... maybe some bitches are worse than others?? Good luck!

Re: discolored teeth

I agree - who cares what a judge thinks. It is most likely after effects of cleaning puppy bums attaching itself to the tartar at the gum line.

What about giving her a tartar buster or soup bone to chew on each day for a couple of weeks? Clean all the gunk off her teeth and see what's left. Might be cheaper than a dental cleaning and have good results.

Re: discolored teeth

what does a judge think?
For some reason my girls get yellow/brown teeth at the gum line after having a litter. My girl had pups in June and we are waiting for her coat to return. I looked at her teeth and they look so bad! She had a rough delivery ending with a c-section. I am not willing to have her put under for teeth cleaning but I can't get this off with a tooth brush or my thumb nail. I have a scaler but I don't want to damage her teeth or gums. Do judges think the dogs are old or uncared for when teeth are not pearly white? Does it influence them?

In the interests of your girls' health, oral and medical I would have her teeth cleaned.

Bacteria from the teeth can enter other parts of the body easier then some of us know. It's not about a judge or a show, it's about the health of our Labs.

If you can't clean her teeth yourself, have it done somehow for the health of the bitch. Maybe someone else can use a scaler without fear or anesthetic.