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Some will say they are *just dogs* Those are the ones that don't understand. They don't understand a lifetime of giving. Giving from the soul, giving for the sheer pleasure of making us happy. The sound of their gentle snoring throughout the night, and that *thump* of tail upon hearing the words *Goodnight Gracie*

Today would have been Gracie's 15th birthday. On Sept 7th, 1995, she took her first breath in my hands, and on June 1st 2010 she took her last in my arms.

Happy Birthday girl. I still miss you. Terribly.


Re: Gracie

Hi Jill. Your Gracie sounds like our Bailey who passed away 2 months after her 14th birthday. My heart still aches when I think of her & seeing pictures is hard too but oh so good at the same time. Hugs from here!

Re: Gracie

Happy Birthday Gracie!!
I know I'm going to be feeling it too this weekend, September 11th, which would have been Jaysin's 16th birthday, we lost her in February.

Somehow I think those old gals are having a party up there without us, and eating ALL the cake!!!!

Re: Gracie

They are such a gift to us. Today is also my Anni's 12th birthday, Aquarius Anni In Forestwood CD WC. It saddens me to think that our time together on this earth is nearing its end. I am so sorry Jill, it is still so fresh for you.

Re: Gracie

I like the idea of them together having a party - tks!

Re: Gracie

Gracie was one in a million.....

Re: Gracie

Gracie was truly a once in a lifetime dog. Can relate to your loss and they are such heart dogs. Yes, she was a gorgeous girl and such a inspiration to the breed. I saw her years ago and thought she was all that and Thank You for breeding such a wonderful girl!! I have admired her from afar.

Re: Gracie

I'm so very sorry for the loss of your special girl.

Re: Gracie

She was a wonderful girl Jill. Happy Birthday Gracie.

Re: Gracie

I only knew of her from pictures, what a beauty she was. I feel your grief having lost 3 of my old girls within monhs of each other in 2007. Each one is so special with their own little ways that steal your heart..and take part of it with them when they pass. I am sorry for your loss, but I believe we will see them again.

Re: Gracie

Happy Birthday, Gracie...

Jill - I believe I know precisely what you are feeling. Your expression of your feelings toward Gracie is a wonderful tribute to her, one that is special to you and known to many. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Greg and Tricia

Re: Gracie

Thank you to everyone for your kind words. (publicly and privately) I was really feeling pretty weepy yesterday.

Gracie had a grand life, and those are the moments I usually stay focused on.


Re: Gracie

Jill, I know how special Gracie was to you. I'm so glad that I got to see her last September when we came to breed to Cabot. She was a beauty from puppyhood throughout her senior years. How lucky you are to have been blessed with such a special jewel. I bet Gracie and my Lydia are friends in heaven! Happy Birthday Gracie we will all miss you.

Re: Gracie

Those were beautiful words from the heart Jill. Happy birthday gracie.

Re: Gracie

Jill, I am so sorry for your loss. I more than most understand that they are more than just dogs. Lifesavers for me. Unconditional love and companionship until their last breath. My tears are for you. My smile is for Gracie running and playing in the clouds.

Re: Gracie

My deepest condolences Jill on Gracie's passing. She is now with her father and all the others forever young, waiting for us.

I know she was smiling at you with Great Thanks for her Birthday. My Topper foundation bitch is almost 13
and its hard to believe she is reaching such an old age too soon to come. These Heart Dogs leaving us is the hardest part of this sport.