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Heartworm Preventative

I have always used Interceptor for my lab, but I moved and my new vet only carries Heartguard Plus. My vet in NYC was adament she take Interceptor for the Whip worm coverage (an I cannot say I disagree). I am wary to buy meds online. Is there really a big difference. I am now in costal South Carolina so one of them is a must!

Re: Heartworm Preventative

Whip worms are HUGE in the south. Really surprised your veterinarian doesn't carry Interceptor.

I would not go back to Heartguard after whips passed through my kennel (thanks to a dog shipped to me from Florida).

Either ask your veterinarian to order it for you, or ask him/her to write a prescripton so you can order on-line...or find another veteriarian.


Re: Heartworm Preventative

I always get a prescription from my vet and uses Dr. Foster and Smith and get it filled out by them. Very easy.

Re: Heartworm Preventative

I would also stick with Interceptor given your location and explain why to your new vet. Maybe you or your new vet can order from your previous vet up No. if you don't want to purchase from a website. You could ask her to refer you to a safe retailer or wholesaler.

I have a couple of websites I do trust but that's a personal decision you don't seem to feel right about.

Re: Heartworm Preventative

My vet gives me a prescription (since she won't meet the price) and I purchase Interceptor, 12 months for under $70 from

Re: Heartworm Preventative

Heartgard Plus gets rid of hookworms, but Interceptor only controls them. Hookworms are also huge in the south, as we found out when getting a southern-bred dog.That may be one reason the vet carries the Heartgard Plus, which contains Pyrantel pamoate as well as Ivermectin. You may wish to alternate products or add a mid month worming with pyrantel pamoate every once in a while if you order the Interceptor. OR you could worm with Safeguard mid month every once in a while if you use the Heartgard Plus. Just check with a vet, as I am not one, but relating what a vet told me to do.

Re: Heartworm Preventative

How effective is Sentinal as far as a multi tasker ?

Re: Heartworm Preventative

Sentinel IS Interceptor with Program (flea birth control) included.

Re: Heartworm Preventative

Does anyone use Ivomec anymore? Why or Why not? My dog's have tested negative for over 10 years for heart worm. Thanks for your input in advance.