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Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

Sadly these are desperate times.
There were several Labradors that were surrendered by a well known breeder to the Houston SPCA. 2 were deemed re-homable and 1 was rescued by it's original breeder when the micro-chip was scanned.
Houston SPCA needs someone to rescue the two remaining dogs. If anyone in the area can please contact them and rescue, their costs will be reimbursed. HSPCA will neuter and spay the animals prior to removal.
Houston SPCA phone number is 713-869-7722
Please ask for Dana. ext 118
Please contact the email above if you can help.

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

I have just made two calls after seeing this... I have lined up someone to pick up does and house for placement! They will spayed/neutered and taken care of! As always it does take a village to make this work!! Thank you ladies!!!

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

Adoption, neuter and spay fees have been paid for. Dogs have been rescued through the generous help from our Labrador community. THANK You Erin!

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

I am absolutely shocked and appalled by this news.
It is easy to figure out who it is, but is it true?

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

I am absolutely shocked and appalled by this news.
It is easy to figure out who it is, but is it true?

How about a hint for those of us that have not figured it out.

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

Just moved to TX from MI

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

Those poor, poor babies! " Several Labs were turned in and only 2 were adoptable and one went to its original owner"? Others were then euthanized? How sad indeed, when they could have been placed before the recent move?

Thanks Erin and everyone involved for rescuing the 2 Labs.

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

Is it true?
How do we know for sure it was this breeder??????
Inquiring minds want to know who can prove it?
What is the whole story?
Please! Someone explain why a well known breeder would drop dogs off at shelters????

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued


Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

I have just made two calls after seeing this... I have lined up someone to pick up does and house for placement! They will spayed/neutered and taken care of! As always it does take a village to make this work!! Thank you ladies!!!

Erin, you're wonderful and a large part of the village.

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

I am absolutely shocked and appalled by this news.
It is easy to figure out who it is, but is it true?

How about a hint for those of us that have not figured it out.

Don't ask for personal information. *Please*! Do you recall this board just re-opened after being closed because of these type of posts?

It's better if you speak to your breeder friends privately if you want further information. No one is going to jeopardize this board by posting names or giving *hints*.

Let's all try to help the dogs in rescue like Erin and other did, rather than worrying about *who it is* and *hints*.

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

I just wanted to update everyone on the status of these dogs.

I do want to say, please do not email me on the who, what, why. I am not here to perpetuate that chain, but I am here to help these dogs. That is what is the most important right now.

The dogs are out of the shelter (two dogs, one bitch) but I anticipate we might need some help with the veterinary care of one possibily two. All are in good spirits! The bitch looks like she has little bit of conjunctivitis and potential upper respiratory. All have been spayed and neutered. That was all paid prior to releasing by the original poster.... thank you.

If everyone can just hold up on where to send donations until we have the dogs at the boarding kennel. We will need homes for these guys though after they are examined again by vets.

Keep looking for updates though! We will try to get photos too so potential adoptees could see them as well!

Thank you to everyone who has assisted in the rescue of these dogs......and as my mom would say....after all it is the love of the Labrador that binds us all together!


Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued- amen for microchips

This is a great lesson in microchipping our dogs before they leave our home. Forsythe Voodoo Child at Huntmor was scanned at the shelter and Carol was notified of her dog being dropped for euthanasia. (and please not there is nothing wrong with this dog!!!!!!) Amen for that!

We all need to step up to the plate as we did in the case of Pat Galata, the breeder in Indiana and I am sure others who are not as fresh in memory!

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued- amen for microchips

Anymore updates on the dogs? How is the sick female? Were there other breeder's dogs involved and if so were they notified?
Thank God for micro-chips or these dogs would have been dead and forgotten.
Anyone else out there have dogs with this breeder???

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued- amen for microchips

Did all the dogs find homes?

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

I made my donation. If we all donate whatever we can afford I'm sure it will help tremendously.

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

I hope to have An update out to everyone today. The black girl went to her new home too!

Thanks to everyone!!!

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

Once all of these dogs have found new homes please do not forget about all of the 100's of Labs in shelters. Rescue groups all over the country are in dire straights for funds, foster homes, and forever homes.

You are all wonderful, caring, people so I know you will do whatever you can to help the other ones who are waiting patiently for new loving homes.

Merry Christmas Everyone

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

I have Grant, 1-ish yellow male, and Max, 8 month old black male, here at my place. Max may have a home, I'll know for sure next week. They are both sweet, handsome, adaptable and eating well.
There has already been a donation to my vet clinic to help defray expenses. Thank you! I believe that all Galveston/Houston vet expenses have been covered.
Grant is on meloxicam for joints. Max is a bit gimpy on one elbow, but it doesn't slow him down at all. I have a CD with x-rays for both boys. This will go to my vet when I take the boys in for a consult. I'll know more then.

Re: Labs in Texas that need to be rescued

Thanks to Erin Webster for coordinating this effort. Also Candice & Jayson Moore for caring for one of the girls. Danna Hancock for pulling out 3 and taking them to the vet clinic in Galveston and then transporting the two boys here. A group effort, for sure.