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Potty training puppies

While having a phone conversation with a breeder friend in Canada,who creates my website,(there is the clue)I told her about my new puppy "litter' poop box that I used for my litter. For years I have used pine shavings in a wooden box that my husband builds for each litter, as I do not breed that often. The pine shavings are easy to clean and dispose of, but quite a mess in the washing machine and outside if it is windy. This litter I used "fake" grass cut into a piece about 2 1/2 foot by 1 1/2 foot. My husband made a wooden box to fit. I put plastic on the bottom of the box and then some towels to absorb the urine as it goes through the grass. This was wonderful and easy to clean each day with just a hose-off.
The puppies use it routinely and even the girl I kept still uses it when she is left in her pen. Thought I would pass this on as a suggestion, as it worked great for me..........

Re: Potty training puppies

Thats a fantastic idea!

Do you have any suggestions for those of us with babies in the midst of winter?

Re: Potty training puppies

Equine pellets in the plastic tray for a rabbit cage 24x24 or the plastic tray for under a washing machine, found at most home improvement stores. It has worked wonders for me, I start my pups out with one at three weeks- they learn quickly. I still have one set up for my 10 week old since it has been so cold and my health problems are making it hard to get him outside all the time. I find if he is playing and I don't catch him, he seeks out his litter box! Then it is a easy scoop to clean. I do find pellets here and there- a small shop vacuum picks them up quickly. I really love that there is no urine smell! Families have told me the puppies that have went home are house breaking quickly, since they have learned to use the box and do not potty on the floor.

Re: Potty training puppies

I've been using the pellets for years and most of my litters are in the fall/winter. I start w/ newspaper in a corner, then go to a tray from a wire crate at ~3 wks, and once the pups are in an expen enclosure, I use a kiddy pool w/ the sides cut to ~4" on the front side so I don't have pellets all over the place. It really does help w/ potty training and the future owners can go get a little baby pool to put in their own expen or kennel set up if they wish too. I've sent some stinky pellets home w/ folks who want to potty train their pup to a specific area of their property too. Anne

Re: Potty training puppies

I've see some boxes like the one discribed listed in pet catalogues. They are advertised for cold weather potty taining. They have a bottom that slopes into a cup for easy urine disposal. Seems like a good idea to me, brrr.

Re: Potty training puppies

Wow! Will have to try the pool- what a great idea. I found a smaller size puppy pool last even has dog bone shapes in the bottom- Hopefully I can find another and use the older one for my next litter! Thank you for a excellent idea, that is why I love this list - people come up with outstanding ideas that help other breeders. Thanks Jill for keeping it open!!