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Thankful but NLR

We are in the midst of a winter snow storm/blizzard here in Michigan. The dogs are in heaven playing in the white stuff, and it's great fun watching them. Today my grandkids came to the door dressed in their snowsuits and boots. The look of joy on my two year old granddaughters face when I came to the door was priceless. Her rosy cheeks, huge smile, and sparkling eyes left a huge imprint in my mind all day. She couldn't be any cuter. I am thankful that I have time with two beautiful Grandkids and my husband is here with me. I am thankful that I have wood burning in the stove, gifts to wrap, and plans on making a big Christmas dinner with family coming here. I am also Thankful that the forum is back.
Merry Christmas to all.

Re: Thankful but NLR

This post put a smile on my face. Thanks, Laura! What you have as snow, we have as rain. Tons of it! I can't wait for snow!

Re: Thankful but NLR

Now that's what Christmas is all about....Sounds like a wonderful life Laura! Make sure you get some great pics of your grandkids and dogs up on your web site! You just take the most wonderful pictures.....I look forward to checking your sight for the latest "fun photo" Merry Christmas!

Re: Thankful but NLR

These posts warmed my heart ... I don't envy you , your Michigan weather. But reading about your grandkids, well, our first one is due to arrive in about 7wks and I'm just beside myself waiting. I also cannot wait to see rosy cheeks/sparkling eyes at my door one day!

It is too fun watching the dogs in the white stuff when we get it here. The butt tucking, the head burying and snow plowing w/ their heads... And agree, love your pictures.

Merry Christmas~

Re: Thankful but NLR

What a vivid picture your words paint, such love and fun. Hope we all enjoy our holidays as you obviously are. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all.

Re: Thankful but NLR

I love reading posts like this! It really puts perspective on what is important in life, and that it's the small things that give us the most strength, happiness, and comfort. I hope you had a wonderful time with your grandchildren!

Laura, could you send some of that snow to Maine? I'm afraid the only thing falling from the sky these days is rain!

Re: Thankful but NLR

Hey Lu.. thanks for the head's up...your Michigan storm is now moving into Eden.

Enjoy your family and the Holday.

ps: and yes, we do expect to see some wonderful grankid pictures.

Re: Thankful but NLR

Laura, I could picture it all also. You did make us stop and think. Thats what its all about. Family, friends and our great doggies to watch over. And am also, very thankful for my husbands health, he is just such a good dog keeper...ha !!

Re: Thankful but NLR

Still raining here in NH.
It is always good when someone makes us stop and think what is really important in our lives. Thank-you Laura.
My grandson Braeden is two and a half and the other day his mother asked him if the elves were making his toys and if Santa was going to bring them down the chimney and he replied "No, Santa is going to come and take me to Toys R Us to get my toys!"

Re: Thankful but NLR

Wow, what a great sentiment. As much as we love our dogs, and as big of a place as they have in our hearts, we can not lose sight of the "big picture".

Laura, you are blessed, and couldn't happen to a nicer person in dogs.


Leslee Pope

Re: Thankful but NLR

What a great picture Laura! I know just what you mean, my grandson is 3 and there is nothing in this world better than seeing his smile on his face when he comes to my house, He's a little spoiled here and he knows it LOL
Happy Holidays!! Hope to see you again soon at a show!

And I can wait for snow without a problem :)

Re: Thankful but NLR

Happy Holidays everyone. Laura I do also love your photos Keep warm.

Re: Thankful but NLR

Laura, your words did paint a beautiful picture almost the same as your fantastic photography.

Your post speaks volumes. Thanks for taking the time to do so. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Re: Thankful but NLR

What a wonderful post! Merry Christmas to all!