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Update on Texas rescues

Received this from Erin earlier & wanted to update the community.

"Hi Fellow Labrador Lovers,
Many of you have heard the story of the Labradors that have been left at the Houston SPCA by a breeder in the Houston Area. I was called a week ago to get one out of the shelter that was traced back to the original owner in the Michigan Area. We then found that three others were also left at the shelter. All four of these dogs were given instructions to be euthanized and not adopted out to families. The dogs were accessed at the shelter, and have since been picked up and are in a foster home currently. The first dog released from the shelter is being returned to the breeder at her cost.

Here is what we have in our network of breeders currently: 1 black girl, 1 black boy, and 1 yellow boy.

The black girl, Amy, is the sickest of them all. She has severe kennel cough, bi lateral yeast infections in the ears along with hematomas on the ears. Her fever was up over 103 (almost 104) on Monday and is down to 102 Tuesday. She has finally eaten as well. It appears our vet bill for this dog is at about $400 currently. We hope to have the dog out of the veterinary facility this weekend. She will not be released unless she is a lot better though. We think this dog is about 10 months old. We do have a home that is willing to adopt her as well!!! YEAH!!!

The yellow male, Grant, from what we have been told has something like pano. We will be taking him for evaluation though. He will probably need anti-inflammatory and someone who understands his needs. This boy is 2 years old

The black male, Mack, seems to be the healthiest of them all. We think this dog is 10 mo to 1.5 years.

Currently we have had 2 donations come into the Vet clinic in Galveston totally $130. I am asking (and begging) if anyone could help donate to take care of these dogs and get them well enough to live on someone's couch! The spays and neuters were done at the shelter and those bills were covered by a breeder in Michigan. Danna Hancock was gracious enough to donate her time and efforts picking up these dogs and transporting them for us. Keri Schooler has been gracious enough to allow these dogs into her facility for boarding/medical treatment. I am not sure how long they will need to be boarded, but I am also working on donations of dog food from my sources. These dogs are super sweet and truly deserve a loving home to live without fear of being dumped.

Veterinary location for the black female:
Animal Clinic on Broadway
Dr Lea Fistein
701 Broadway St
Galveston, TX 77550
409.763.6484 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              409.763.6484      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              409.763.6484      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Once I am aware of other facilities that have treated these dogs, I will be posting that info as well.

There are probably MANY people I have left off, but please send them this email as my asking for help. Please feel free to spread this email around and make everyone aware of our needs down here in Texas.

I am working as hard as I can to get the word out and get them out to loving families. Thank you to everyone who has helped directly as well as indirectly. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Labbily, Erin"

Re: Update on Texas rescues

Marion thank you for posting this. It makes my heart very sad and even though it is very little in the big scheme of things,I had to call and donate. They are closed but I will call tomorrow morning and give what I can.

Re: Update on Texas rescues

Thanks to both Erin and Marion along with Danna and Keri!! Unfortunately this has happened to these innocent animals but we, as breeders, can make a difference. If each one of us called and gave them 25.00 per breeder, the bills would be taken care of!! What would be doing if this was in the paper and the whole world could see it. That happened recently somewhere else, and everyone came to the rescue. Let's just remember those poor dogs....they need us to take care of them!! Blessings to all!!

Re: Update on Texas rescues

If each one of us called and gave them 25.00 per breeder, the bills would be taken care of!!

OR if even 200 from the forum called to donate $10 each, that would be $2000! In these economic times, people being out of work and with the holidays, $25 could be rough for some.

I'm going to try calling now.

EDIT: Just called, got right through, no put on hold. Took 2 minutes. Receptionist confirmed every little bit helps!