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Handlers and Expenses

Is anyone else finding that most handlers charge you for expenses even if they do a ringside pick up?

That just doesn't seem fair or ethical to me.

I'd have to chip in another 25 over and above for travel expenses.

They all seem to be talking to each other too because little by little they all are doing that.

I think it's called price fixing and a good thing to do.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

They still have traveling expenses to get to the show to show your dog. I have thought about this and have paid it. Did feel it was fair.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

They still have traveling expenses to get to the show to show your dog. I have thought about this and have paid it. Did feel it was fair.

I don't think it is fair at all. If the dog is not traveling with the handler, there shouldn't be a traveling expense.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

It would be fair if traveling expenses were equally shared by all dogs shown. That does not appear to be the case.

On the other hand, these people have to make a living. Maybe that is as fair as they can be.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

We had a handler before that charged a gas expense for local shows. When they only had to drive 10 miles from their house to the show, and did ringside drop off, I found it unfair for them to charge all 20 dogs they show a $20 each per day for gas expense. It seemed to me that they made $400 per day for driving 20 miles round trip. I also heard a local handler was being sued by one of their clients for charging each dog full expenses instead of dividing up the expenses between the dogs they were showing.

I also feel if the handler is showing their own dogs they should count their own dogs when dividing up expenses. They dont give priority to my dogs, often handing them off to their assistants while showing their own dogs themselves.

I suggest to not use these people. There are handlers out there that are fair and dont charge expenses for rigside drop off.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

The Handler I dealt with was fair in that it was reasonable and split between clients.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

Anything is fair that has been agreed upon in advance. If I was not told I was paying travel expenses for a ringside pickup, I would be unhappy. I have only used ringside pickup with several different handlers, and I have never once been charged any more than the agreed on price.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

I agree that the handlers should not charge travel expenses to clients whose dogs does not travel with the handler to the show.

To those who have paid handler expenses, do you get a receipt showing exactly what the handler was charged for various expenses? If there is no receipt, you have no way of knowing if you are being taken advantage of. I think by law they are required to provide receipts to show for their expenses that they are then passing on to the clients. The IRS would sure have fun double checking these handlers and their bills that they put together.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

Yes, sometime I wish they just said "this much to handle you dog". They do seem to be adding on each item to build up the price. If you hand your dog off at ringside, you did it to save some money. Thought that was the reason. And you know they would talk and do the same.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

I don't agree with handlers charging expenses when they are receiving your dog at ring side. It seems they are taking advantage. They are not traveling with your dog, walking your dog before the show and it is not taking up space in their truck.

I also disagree with this new information I have learned from my handler. Where they are still charging the full handling fee for "NOT" showing a dog who is singled out when the breed counts do not make a major. My handler said they charge for it because you have already reserved them for the assignment and after entries close they cannot get another assignment to take its place. So they still charge even though they do not show the dog and it is sitting there in a crate. Meanwhile some of these handlers have two and three dogs in the same classes anyway. Then they put their assistants on them and does that mean we get charged half the usually handling price, NO!!!

IMO it is a handler making up their own rules to get more money. They feel we need them more than they need us. You would think in this kind of ecomony when entries are down they would be bending over backwards to keep their clients happy. Instead they are all raising their prices and they will just drive us away to look for other alternatives to getting our dogs shown in the ring.

Re: Handlers and Expenses

Not all handlers charge extra expenses. When I started using a top handler for my non lab last year (health issues) I was charged a flat fee for a show pick-up. I used this handler exclusively until he started charging high extras - sometimes double plus what his daily fee was. I wasn't happy with his grooming and other handling items so I changed. I used 2 handlers when I was out of state at a series of smaller shows and paid for no extras and got a great job from both of them. When it came time for Eukanuba and the Long Beach shows I contacted another top handler for ringside pick-up. He charged me a flat amount which did not include grooming (we were doing that ourselves). He went ahead and groomed anyway and showed my kid all 4 days. My dog has never been better groomed or shown and loves his new handler. So, not all handlers charge expenses and not all charge the same. Some charge a flat daily fee and some add more if they take your dog into group or BIS. Get all details up front and make an educated decision.