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To Dew or not to Dew?

Would love to know some opinions on removing dewclaws or leaving them on.
Happy Holidays Hope all of you are staying warm!
PS I have removed previously but very much hate doing so.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I cannot see any reason whatsoever to take them off. I compare it to cutting off your thumb. And doing that to an infant , I find it barberic .

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

In the past 3-4 years I have had 3 dogs with dewclaw injuries- a couple of them at or right before a show. The past 2 litters I had them removed and am so happy I did. No tearing dewnails, no problems clipping nails, the dogs have nice clean look about them. Will do it this way from now on. Just my experience.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?


I wouldn't either. Never did, never will. It is a digit that doesn't need to be removed.

Watch your dogs use those dewclaws while outdoors or chewing a bone.

PS: We never had any dog injure it's dew claws in over 20 years.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

If you decide to do them, please do them with lidocaine.

Heart rates in humans stay up and nursing quality diminishes for 12 hours after circumcision without lidocaine in humans. Baby boys nurse much better and have a normal heart rate within an hour when lidocaine is used.

My first dews I did without lido, latter litters I've done with lido. With lido - no squealing and stress pooping during procedure. Without lido the squealing and stress pooping was a mater of course.

Also,there are 2 ways to do dews, I can't remember the differences but one is more painful than the other.

However, I am not sure I'm doing them in the future at all. I now have 2 pups from other breeders that have never had theirs done. We've had not issues inside or out in the field. So I am also interested in the other replies.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I do still-- do I like having to lug newborns into the vet's at 2 days old? no... But if the dogs are potentially hunting heavily brushed areas or even playing on crusted over snow (as we have right now), I've seen enough to justify removing them. Just playing in my field has irritated my friends'dogs dews to the point of bleeding. I also run agility, hunt tests, etc., and have never had the problems that were cited in the Zink article. I have to wonder if pastern strength/conformation doesn't have more to do w/ the fractures she saw. I've had labs for 18 yrs now, they've always used their paws to hold Nylas, can handle very steep canal banks, etc plus I've competed a good % of those years. I've never seen carpel arthritis in my elders. I also asked some of the foundation breeder/members of our lab club about it once the Zink article came out, and they commented the same. For now, I feel better having them off. It is a very personal decision, however. Anne

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

Let nature be. Please!

Years ago, we did this, and NEVER ever will we do it again. The vets table was not sanitized and we lost the whole litter because of an infection from the vets

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

This article will help you understand the importance of leaving the dews intact.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

Just an old-fashioned ritual that somehow has attached itself to our breed.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

Let nature be. Please!

Years ago, we did this, and NEVER ever will we do it again. The vets table was not sanitized and we lost the whole litter because of an infection from the vets

I am sorry this happened to you and your litter. I have heard a few similar stories but not the loss of an entire litter.

OP, if this doesn't tell you 1 of the many dangers of removing dew claws I don't know what else could.

The *clean look* is not something to worry about today as in passed years. I think it's a selfish surgical procedure. Why put newborns through being exposed to everything at the vet office and take off digits meant to remain there?

Nothing further to contribute.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I did it once with a litter of two and I would never do it again!

I have never had a dew claw injury and agree, if you watch, the dogs use them often.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I do not remove dew claws. The dogs use them and I would not deprive them of that.

I had a 10 pound mixed breed dog that had dew claws three sizes too big. Because they stuck out, she injured them more than once. They healed without intervention.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

My kids want to keep their thumbs

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I do not remove them. I do drummel down the nails as short as they can go. If you keep the nails short there is less chance of them getting caught on something and causing any injury.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I do them. Personal choice.
Don't let anyone bully you into their opinion with exclamation marks.

1) None of my dogs without dew claws have ever had an injury like the ones in the article

2) None of my dogs has ever dropped a bone because they didn't have dewclaws

3) I have seen dewclaw injuries that caused much more trauma/pain than properly removing them at 2 days.

4) I have seen "pet" people let dewclaws get so out of hand that they actually curl

IMO, doing them is a benefit to my puppies.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

Don't dew it!

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

Don't dew it!
I don't *dew it* either. Snort back.

I don't see exclamation marks. No one would listen to just that. They will listen to practicality and good advice.

I think many of the breeders that remove dew claws today are strictly field breeders that don't show their dogs. Not many conformation breeders combo field-hunting-obedience breeders that title both ends are removing the dews today.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I dew not dew the dews.
I stopped about 3 litters ago and have not regretted that decision. My vet would come to my house to do them so it wasn't the worries about hauling the pups to the vet that made me stop. My dogs all do field work/WC's/Hunt tests as well as a couple of them have hunted with friends and there have been no issues.
I don't see having a "clean look" as a good reason to remove the "thumb". As far as injuries are concerned, about 30 years ago I had a rescue with dews that was just outside playing catch one on chain link and have to have it sutured but I also had a dog injure a nail on a back foot so it can happen to any nail of a dog. I wouldn't cut off that toe just because it was injured anymore than I would cut off tails or ears because they look "cleaner" or could be injured.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

Deb H.
I dew not dew the dews.
I stopped about 3 litters ago and have not regretted that decision. My vet would come to my house to do them so it wasn't the worries about hauling the pups to the vet that made me stop. My dogs all do field work/WC's/Hunt tests as well as a couple of them have hunted with friends and there have been no issues.
I don't see having a "clean look" as a good reason to remove the "thumb". As far as injuries are concerned, about 30 years ago I had a rescue with dews that was just outside playing catch one on chain link and have to have it sutured but I also had a dog injure a nail on a back foot so it can happen to any nail of a dog. I wouldn't cut off that toe just because it was injured anymore than I would cut off tails or ears because they look "cleaner" or could be injured.

I agree with you Deb. Although I never did them, I have friends that used to who don't anymore.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

The Dam to this litter has her dews and has never been bothered by them. I also think its cool how she uses them to hold things to chew on and to help her get up a muddy bank coming out of the lake. I am going to let the pups be. Thanks to everyones opinions, experiences and advice.
It helps to know how others feel

Thanks Jill for keeping the forum!!!

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

We do a procedure on foals called periosteal stripping. This is where an incision is make above the knee or ankle and the tough fibrous tissue (periosteam) is scored. What this does is stimulate more bone growth to correct limb deviations. I would think that removing dew claws could cause the same in puppies and create limb deviations.

I do not remove dewclaws and haven't for years. My dogs use those digits and, yes, sometimes they injure them (their other toes too) but they heal. I also think that aside from gripping with them the dogs use them for balance. It would be harder to be great athlete with missing digits. JMO, of course.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I have over 35 years in the breed, do conformation, field at junior through master, and obedience/rally, and have never had a dog with an injury that could possibly be attributed to having the dew claws removed. I've titled at least a dozen in field, obedience or both, and I can't remember any dog with a problem in the feet or ankle. I have had only one dog who kept his dew claws, so I also have not had any personal experience with bad dew claw injuries, but I have heard enough stories to keep me removing them. I agree that a cleaner look is not a good enough reason (my guy with his dews finished his championship easily), but injuries can be serious, and yes, I've seen those untrimmed dew claws actually growing back into the leg. It would be interesting to hear from someone who sees a lot of pet dogs to know how common it is to see poorly maintained dew claws.

I don't question the decision of people who decide not to remove them, but people who do remove dews are judging by their own experience and that of others and have humane reasons for doing so.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I believe that the vets will eventually not be doing any cutting. My dew claws are done here at home. If I could not easily get them done I would probably just not do it. The problem is not the dogs we keep with us as most of us are careful about keeping nails done, but I have seen pet Labradors with dew nails that are curled into a circle, they just don't wear down naturally. I gave up Doberman's many years ago as I could not do the ears, I suspect one day I will just go all natural. My pups don't scream or poop, just a squeak and in 10 minutes it is forgotten but I understand why many breeders are giving this practice up.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I have done them for over 30 some years and always will do them. I have purchase a pup or two without and what a mess especially when they are older to try and keep trim down. Like someone said the familys don't stay on top of it like we do. Wonder how many have that nail curling back on their leg? Do what ever makes you feel good.

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

I have never done dew claw removal on my Labradors. I have sold my few litters to VERY SELECTED families and they were/are all consistent in being able to keep their dogs' nails trimmed. Several actively work, hunting. I frequently encourage owners to take to Vet office each month, ask doggie daycare staff or their groomer if they are squeamish (which many are). They are thankful for the idea to let a "pro" do the trim and happily pay a few dollars to keep nails nice and short. I do nails if they come stay with me and even if come for visit, they may ask me if I could do nails. Just my thing.......

Re: To Dew or not to Dew?

One of my young dogs fell through some pond ice last winter. Used his dew claws to get himself out before I had to jump in to get him. I've never removed dews and never will. I screen my families carefully and make sure they understand how important it is to keep all their nails short!