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failed hips need advice

I recently bred my young stud dog to a *friend's* bitch. I trusted my *friend* and relied on her representation as to health, etc. OFA's were done six months ago, and I was told everything was fine. The OFA's were not submitted for evaluation until recently and the bitch failed hips. Now what do I say to my clients and other breeders who inquire about my breeding to a dysplastic bitch????
No flames, just askin'

Re: failed hips need advice

I think honesty is your best bet? Happy Holidays

Re: failed hips need advice

Years ago, I bred one of my bitches to a 1 1/2 years old stud with "hips are good" by the owner. The x-rays were never submitted. The x-rays they sent at 2 years, didn't pass and the dog never cleared. I blame no one, but myself. I told the truth to whoever asked. Never bred to that person's studs again. Now, I want to see all clearances in paper or on the OFA website.
By the way, all the puppies were placed as pets except my 2 keepers. One failed and the other one got good and I bred her to OFA good and Excellent. None of the grand kids are affected.

Re: failed hips need advice

Your "friend* misled you or make a huge mistake. Not the issue, the issue is having bred a bitch with dysplasia.

First of all, not the end of the world. It is not like breeding a bitch with seizures or blind or some other miserable defect.

Be honest with your puppy buyers and explain that the mode of inheritance is not clearly understood. Show them on OFFA.ORG how dogs with excellent hips have produced dysplasia. It is not a miserable thing.

I almost want to believe you are trying to do some damage control for your stud or your reputation. Not to worry. It is not the end of the world. A trusted *friend* or not, clearances need to be investigated.

Re: failed hips need advice

Tell the truth... You did what you thought was ethical, someone mislead you, it happens all the time.

The truth is usually the best answer to most questions...


Leslee Pope

Re: failed hips need advice

Tell the truth, but do not embellish. Do not make disparaging comments about the bitch owner. That only make you look bad. Just the facts, ma'am.

Re: failed hips need advice

Agree - just tell the truth, but then again, how many people are going to know about the situation to ask you about it? Seems to me that if they know about the situation, there's nothing to ask.

Just sayin'...

Re: failed hips need advice

If it comes up, explain, but seriously, how often are you going to get called out on this. You are the stud owner, you made a mistake about trusting someone without seeing the official paperwork on a breeding. Life goes on, You didn't sell the puppies, this other person did. And if some bitch owner gets lazy and doesn't want to provide clearances but wants to use your boy, tell the story and don't send the semen.

Re: failed hips need advice

Failed hips do not necessarily mean that the puppies will have failed hips; it simply increases the likelihood that the offspring will have dysplasia. Sometimes you get lucky.

In all likelihood no one will ever ask you, and it is even unlikely that the offspring will be reported on the OFA database because most offspring of a litter are not evaluated and reported to OFA.

That being said, you may know people who will consider getting one of the puppies. If they ask, will you tell them that your friend deceived you? What if they are your friends also? I do see your dilemma. Only you can decide what the ethical choice is.

Re: failed hips need advice

Trust no one. Always see paperwork or OFA site. Without that paperwork with Perm ID Verified matching that animal, a "clearance" means nothing to me from anyone. No excuse.

Deed is done, no use crying over spilled milk,lesson learned as long as you do not do it again.

You can show people your paperwork and express the importance. That is all. Maybe they will ask the owner of mom for similar.

Beyond that, seems there is nothing else to do.

I have mentored someone for a few years who has done a first litter and this person went on to misrepresent the puppies to buyers. Well, I am surprised and disappointed about LIES as well, so what can I do? Didn't refer anyone for sure! Now I will end association. All I have control over are my behaviors.

Re: failed hips need advice

I agree with *anon this time*. Thank you for you reply. In today's world of the internet and accessing the OFA, there is no excuse for not being responsible. Since I'm from Missouri, you have to show me the certificate! Once a liar, always a liar. I think a "responsible" breeder would always ask to see the certificates before committing. It is not just the bitch owner's fault in this situation. The pups are the result of your dog mating with the other one. There are to many dogs with ortho problems to run the risk of adding more.

Re: failed hips need advice

Now that the pups are going to their new homes, I am getting a few questions from people about the orthopedic history. It never seems to end! I don't want this putting me in a bad light.

Re: failed hips need advice

Your boys has his clearances and you should have done your homework. Learn from your mistakes and move on. I had someone I trusted & let her breed to my boy. Ends up she switched names on me and not only did she not have clearances but she didn't have the Co-owners permission . Will I be more careful next time someone wants to use my boy? You bet