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show photos

Even though it is sometimes cost prohibitive, it is always a treat when you open your mailbox and find that someone has had a win under you and has sent you a picture of that proud moment. I know we often complain about the quality of photographers, but I received one that had been done by Aarone Durocher from Bare Bones, and the quality was just lovely. It was so clean and crisp. I had never met her before was very impressed, and sometimes it is just nice to know that your work is appreciated.

Re: show photos

I have to agree with you Debra that it is so nice to get a show photo sent to you. I keep a scrapbook for just those pictures. They are very special.

Re: show photos

DO most judges feel this way?

Re: show photos

I know that I have saved everypicture that was ever sent, and still enjoy looking at the past winners. Don't always like my hair and clothes of the 80's. HA

Re: show photos

Absolutely - I LOVE to get pictures.
I keep every one of them.